Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 11 July 2013

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6ET   View Map

1.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2013
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of that item.
4.0 Leader's Report & Announcements
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
5.0 Mayor's Announcements
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 2nd May, 2013.
6.0 Public Questions
No questions received
7.0 Cabinet Decisions made since the last meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last ordinary meeting of the Council on 2nd May, 2013. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 Recommendations from Cabinet
(1) Service and Financial Planning – 2012/13 Out-turn and 2013/14 Update Recommended: (i) That the Revenue outturn position and related virements in Appendix 3 for 2012/13, which is subject to audit by the Council’s external auditors, and the transfer to reserves as detailed in paragraph 6.4 be approved (ii) that the Capital outturn position and related supplementary estimates, virements and re-phasing shown in Appendix 4, as summarised in the report, be approved (iii) that performance against income targets be noted (iv) that the initial pressure areas identified for 2013/14 be noted (2) Shaping Places Local Plan – Strategy and Options Recommended: That Council approve the Strategy & Options document The Strategy & Options document can be found at the following link
9.0 Recommendations from Boards & Committees
Audit Committee – 25 June 2013 At its meeting held on 25 June 2013, the Audit Committee made the following recommendation to Council: Corporate Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy Recommended: That the updated Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy be agreed and be recommended for adoption to full Council
10.0 Update on Borough Boundary Review
To receive a verbal update from Councillor R. Sloan, Chairman of the Boundary Review Committee, on the LGBCE Borough boundary review following publication of the Commission’s draft proposals.
11.0 Annual Scrutiny Report 2012/13
To receive the Annual Scrutiny report, to be presented by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Management Board.
12.0 Minutes of Boards and Committees
To note the following resolved Minutes
Appendix G Budget & Finance Scrutiny Committee – 4 June
 BFSCMinutes 04 06 13 .pdf 
Appendix H Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee – 18 April
 CYPSCMinutes 19.pdf 
Appendix I Health & Wellbeing Board – 15 May
 HWB Minutes 150513 - FINAL.pdf 
Appendix J Licensing Committee – 26 June
 Licmin 260613.pdf 
Appendix K1 Plans Board – 1 May
Appendix K2 Plans Board – 22 May
Appendix K3 Plans Board – 12 June
Appendix L Scrutiny Management Board – 15 March
 SMBMinutes 15.pdf 
13.0 Questions
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10. N.B. In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 10.3 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.
14.0 Notices of Motion
(i) Councillor K.S, Sahota will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion: “This Council agrees that there are no circumstances where a single Shropshire Council would be to the advantage of the residents of Telford & Wrekin and believes any plans to merge both Councils would lead to reduced services for our residents and threaten the future of the Princess Royal Hospital”. The motion will be seconded by Councillor R.A. Overton. (ii) Councillor S. Bentley will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion: “This Council notes with great concern falling recycling rates over the past two years when compared to an increase of 9% experienced over the years 2007 – 2011. Also of major concern is the complete closing of some recycling centres and reduction of opening hours of the remaining that will further exacerbate this failure. In view of the high cost of landfill charges that will increase year on year, this Council urges the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services to produce a coherent plan that will save costs and maximise income for this authority”. The motion will be seconded by Councillor A.J. Eade