Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 28 February 2019

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6ET   View Map

Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet and Full Council meetings are streamed live and available to replay on our Youtube Channel. Click on the “subscribe” button to receive notifications of future meetings.

 Agenda    Agenda.pdf 
1.0 Prayers
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest
4.0 Minutes of the Council
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 January 2019 (A1) and the extraordinary meeting of the Council on 18 February 2019 (A2).
5.0 Leader’s Report & Announcements
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
6.0 Mayor’s Announcements
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 17 January 2019.
7.0 Public Questions

To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members.

None received.

8.0 Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions about key decisions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only.  Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
9.0 Recommendations from Cabinet

Cabinet – 14 February 2019

(i) 2018/19 Financial Management Report

Recommended that the transfers to reserves set out in section 5.1 of the report be approved and authority be delegated to the Managing Director after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Commercial Services and Economic Development to allocate this funding to specific projects.

10.0 Service and Financial Planning 2019/20 to 2021/22

To consider the reports listed below which are contained within the separate Budget document enclosed with the agenda. Reports E1 to E4 were considered by Cabinet on 14 February 2019 for recommendation to Council for approval.

a) Overview & Revenue Budget (E1)
b) Capital Strategy and Programme (E2)
c) 2019/20 Investment and Treasury Management Strategies & 2018/19 Treasury Management Update (E3)
d) Prudential Indicators (E4)
e) Council Tax Formal Resolutions for 2019/20 (E5)

Appendix E1 Overview & Revenue Budget
 Overview and Revenue Budget.pdf   Appendix 1 - Council Tax Comparisons.pdf   Appendix 2 - Council Tax Comparisons.pdf   Appendix 3 - Pay Policy Statement 2019-2020.pdf   Appendix 4 - Savings Delivered to Date.pdf   Appendix 5 - Debt charges as % of net revenue stream.pdf   Appendix 6 - Base Budget.pdf   Appendix 7 - Base Budget Movements.pdf   Appendix 8 - Education section 106 agreements.pdf   Appendix 9 - Reserves & Provisions.pdf   Appendix 10 - CFO Robustness Statement.pdf   Appendix 11 - Safeguarding Cost Improvement Plan.pdf   Appendix 12 - Adult Social Care Cost Improvement Plan.pdf   Appendix 13 - Efficiency Strategy.pdf   Appendix 14 - Corporate Risk Register.pdf   Appendix 15 (i) - Council Tax Support Scheme 2019-20.pdf   Appendix 15 (ii) - Council Tax Reduction Scheme Policy 2019-20.pdf   Appendix 16 - Driving Delivery of the Councils Priorities - Cabinet Feb 2019 FINAL.pdf 
Appendix E3 2019/20 Investment and Treasury Management Strategies & 2018/19 Treasury Management Update
 Investment Strategy Report.pdf   Treasury Management Strategy and Update.pdf 
Appendix E4 Prudential Indicators
 Prudential indicators report 2019 20.pdf 
Appendix E5 Council Tax Formal Resolutions for 2019/20
 Council Tax Resolution 1920.pdf 
11.0 Questions

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.

NB   In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.

12.0 Notices of Motion

(i) Councillor R A Overton will propose the following Motion:-

“Telford and Wrekin Council notes with concern West Mercia Police has been subjected to ruthless government cuts since 2010
• £70m reduction in funding from government since 2010.
• A 13% reduction in workforce
• 20% reduction in community Support officers
• 16%  reduction in front line police officers  losing over 300 officers in 7 years
• police calls are no longer answered from a local call centre based in Shropshire
• reduction in police station opening hours
Since 2010 in Telford and Wrekin

• crime has increased by 35% (3,973 offences). This was almost twice the rate of increase in the number of recorded offences for England and Wales as a whole (18%).
• violence against a person increased by 216%
• robbery up by 10%
• possession of a weapon up by 146%
• public order offences up by 147%

This Council notes with concern that, despite local police officers and leaders working hard, cuts to policing budgets by this government is letting down Telford and Wrekin residents.

This Council also recognises that despite increases in council tax by the PCC for new police officers, there will be no new police officers on our streets in Telford & Wrekin.

This Council is deeply alarmed that government cuts are putting our community at risk. We therefore call on Government to provide fair funding to West Mercia Police.”

The Motion will be seconded by Councillor G C W Reynolds.
(ii) Councillor W L Tomlinson will propose the following Motion:-

“To help protect the most vulnerable in our society this Council calls for an end to any further reductions in Government grants to this Authority. Furthermore this Council requests our MPs to support this call, lobby the Government and vote against any further cuts.”

The Motion will be seconded by Councillor P J Scott