Full Council
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Date: Thursday 22 November 2012
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD
1.0 | Minutes |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council on the 13/09/2012
Appendix A Minutes
2.0 | Apologies for Absence |
3.0 | Declarations of Interest |
4.0 | Councillor Keith Austin |
Request for leave of absence
5.0 | Leader's Report & Announcements |
6.0 | Mayor's announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 13th September 2012.
Appendix B Mayor's Announcements
MAYORAL ENGAGEMENTS040912-111112.pdf
7.0 | Public Questions |
8.0 | Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council |
Appendix C Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council
Cabinet Report 221112.pdf
9.0 | Recommendations from Cabinet |
Appendix D Recommendations from Cabinet
Council 22 11 12 Final.pdf
10.0 | Council Tax Support Scheme 2013/14 |
Council Tax Support Scheme 2013/14 Appendix E
Appendix A - Scrutiny Committee response to consultation.pdf
Appendix B - Scrutiny Committee response to transitional grant.pdf
Appendix C - Council Tax Empty Property discounts and exemptions.pdf
Appendix E - Council Tax Support Exceptional Hardship Fund principals.pdf
Appendix F - Council Tax Support analysis of consultation - exec summary.pdf
Appendix F - Council Tax Support analysis of consultation - exec summary.pdf
Appendix G - Community Impact Assessment draft v2.0.pdf
Council Tax Support Scheme 2013-14 - Report to Full Council.pdf
Appendix D - Telford S13a Scheme Complete v1 40.pdf
11.0 | Further electoral review of the borough |
Appendix F Further electoral review of the borough
Council Size further submission Report.pdf
12.0 | Budget Consultation |
Budget Consultation Appendix F1
Council 22 11 12.pdf
13.0 | Annual Scrutiny report 2011/12 |
To receive the Annual Scrutiny report, to be presented by the Chair of the Scrutiny Management Board. The report can be viewed at the following link
14.0 | Audit Committee annual report 2011/12 |
Appendix G Audit committee annual report 2011/12
audit cttee annual report 1112.pdf
15.0 | Minutes of Boards and Committees |
Audit Committee
Audit cttee mins 250912 - FINAL.pdf
Boundary Review Committee
BRC finalminutes230812.pdf
Licensing Committee
Licsmin 050912.pdf
Appendix A List of consultees.pdf
Appendix B Consultation letter.pdf
Appendix C - Consultee table of responses.pdf
Appendix D - Letter from National Industry Casino Forum.pdf
Appendix E - GA Statement of Principles June 12.pdf
Appendix F - CIA - Review of Statement of Licensing Principles - Oct 2012.pdf
Licensing Committee Gambling Act 2005 Report (3) (2).pdf
Plans Board 22nd August
Plans Board 12th Sept
Plans Board 3rd Oct
Plans Board 24th Oct
Standard Committee
190912 minutes.pdf
Budget & Finance Scrutiny Committee
A - Minutes 31 07 12.pdf
Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee
A - Minutes 18 09 12.pdf
Co-operative & Communities Scrutiny Committee
Minutes 08.08.12.pdf
Scrutiny Management Board
Minutes 04.07.12 - FINAL.pdf
16.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10:
N.B. In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 10.3 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.
17.0 | Notices of Motion |
a) Councillor W.A.M. McClements will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:
Telford & Wrekin Borough Council notes the comments made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer about offering all Councils the option of taking a 1% grant to freeze Council tax for 2013/14.
The Council is also aware that the Government is likely to announce further funding cuts in its December statement to Parliament.
The Council agrees to consider contingency budget plans but wait to finalise its proposals when the details of the Local Government Finance Settlement are available. The Council agrees to fully consult the residents of the Borough about options and its proposals before putting the final budget plans to Full Council in March 2013.
The motion will be seconded by Councillor R.J.Sloan.
b) Councillor S.Bentley will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:
This Council will pursue an approach, and do all in its power, to ensure that the Crudgington Creamery site is utilised as a centre for rural employment within the borough should the creamery be ultimately closed.
The motion will be seconded by Councillor A.J. Eade.