Full Council
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Date: Thursday 21 November 2013
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Refectory, Telford College of Arts and Technology, Haybridge Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 2NP Map
1.0 | Minutes |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council on the 12/09/2013
Appendix A
2.0 | Apologies for Absence |
3.0 | Declarations of Interest |
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of that item
4.0 | Leader's Report & Announcements |
a) The Leader will present the Skills team with the ESF Equal Opportunities Mainstreaming Leader Award 2013 for their Turnaround project which provided essential life skills to 16-18 year olds.
b) The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
5.0 | Mayor's Announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 12th September, 2013
Appendix B
MAYORAL ENGAGEMENT 020913-10113.pdf
6.0 | Public Questions |
No questions hve been received
7.0 | Cabinet Decisions Made since the last Meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 12th September, 2013. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
Appendix C
Cabinet Report 211113.pdf
8.0 | Recommendations from Cabinet |
Recommendations from: (i) Youth Justice Plan 2013/14 Recommended that the 2013/14 Youth Justice Plan be approved; (ii) Financial Monitoring 2013/14 Recommended that the changes to the Capital Programme outlined in section 1 of the report be approved.
Appendix D
Youth Justice Plan document.pdf
Appendix E
Appendix E 211113.pdf
9.0 | Recommendations from Boards & Committees |
Recommendations from (i) Audit Committee - 17th September 201 regarding the Speak Up Policy; (ii) Council Constitution Committee - 7th November 2013 regarding Health & Wellbeing Board, Audit Committee Terms of Reference and the Functions of the Chief Financial Officer.
10.0 | Minutes of Boards and Committees |
To note the following resolved Minutes: (i) Audit Committee - 17 September; Boundary Review Committee - 4 & 26 September; Budget & Finance Scrutiny Committee - 15 August; Health & Adult Care Scrutiny Committee - 12 August; Health & Wellbeing Board - 18 September; Housing Economy & Infrastructure Committee - 1 November; Licensing Committee - 18 September; Planning Committee - 4 & 25 September and 16 October.
Appendix G
Audit cttee mins 170913 - FINAL.pdf
Appendix I
A - Minutes 030913.pdf
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix A Minutes 12 08 13.pdf
Appendix L
HWB Minutes 180913 - FINAL.pdf
Appendix M
Minutes 01 11 13 - draft final.pdf
Appendix N
Licmin 180913 (final).pdf
11.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10. N.B. In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 10.3 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.
12.0 | Notices of Motion |
(i) Councillor K. Guy will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:
“This council recognises the unique contribution that British Nuclear Test Veterans and their families, including residents of Telford & Wrekin, have made to the defence of the country. The Council calls on the government to officially recognise the sacrifice of the veterans and families impacted by nuclear tests conducted between 1952 and 1967, the establishment of a benevolent fund and enduring recognition of their service by the creation of a medal, or award, for participants of the test programme”.
The motion will be seconded by Councillor C. Turley
(ii) Councillor D. White will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:
“This council calls on the Government to scrap the Work capability Assessments (WCA) with immediate effect and replace it with a safe and rigorous system which does not cause harm and distress to some of the weakest and most vulnerable residents of Telford and Wrekin.
Atos Healthcare, the private health firm who are responsible for carrying out the assessments, have been the subject of widespread criticism from the British Medical Association and many charities.
The Government are paying Atos Healthcare £110 million per year to carry out assessments on behalf of the Department of Works & Pensions. So many of the decisions are appealed that that a further £60 million of public monies is being spent on administering these appeals.
We believe that these Work Capability Assessments are not fit for purpose, causing distress and anxiety to vulnerable people, with over 10,000 people having died shortly after undergoing the Atos WCA test, having been incorrectly assessed and told to return to work.”
The motion will be seconded by Councillor R. Overton.
(iii) Councillor A.J. Eade will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion.
“This Council welcomes the policy ‘u turn’ indicated by the current Administration’s promise to freeze council tax for the following two years in order to help hard pressed council tax payers in the Borough. However, this council also condemns the Labour Administration’s refusal to accept Government grants over the previous two years which would have kept £2.0 m in the pockets of our local community.”
The motion will be seconded by Councillor N Dugmore
(iv) Councillor S. Bentley will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion.
“This Council applauds the Government's proposed multi million pound funding package for the vital work undertaken in the Gorge at Ironbridge.”
The motion will be seconded by Councillor A.J. Eade
13.0 | Annual Council Meeting 2014 |
The Annual council meeting is currently scheduled for 22 May 2014.
The European Parliamentary Regulations have recently been published and confirmed that the date for these elections will also be 22 May. It is proposed that Annual council be moved back by 1 week to 29 May 2014 and that the programme of meetings be amended accordingly.