Full Council
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Date: Thursday 27 February 2014
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Refectory, Telford College of Arts and Technology, Haybridge Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 2NP Map
1.0 | Minutes |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council on the 23/01/2014
Appendix A
2.0 | Apologies for Absence |
3.0 | Declarations of Interest |
4.0 | Leader's Report and Announcements |
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
5.0 | Mayor's Announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 23rd January, 2014.
Appendix B
MAYORAL ENGAGEMENT 130114-160214.pdf
6.0 | Public Questions |
To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members.
i) The following question to the Leader has been submitted by Mr R Munt:
"In view of the fact that you have been accused of scaremongering regarding the PRH, can we have your assurance that you will not be intimidated but continue your campaign on behalf of the people to keep our A&E open 24/7 with no downgrading"?
ii) The following question to the Leader has been submitted by Ms L Allan:
"Telford's new ASDA has scrapped parking charges and residents are delighted. Will the Council be supporting a campaign by local residents to get parking charges scrapped at the Princess Royal Hospital"?
7.0 | Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 23rd January, 2014. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Membes may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
Appendix C
Appendix C - Cabinet Report.pdf
8.0 | Service and Financial Planning 2014/15-2015/16 |
Reports D1 to D4 will be considered by Cabinet on 20th February 2014 for recommendation to Council fo approval.
a) Overview & Revenue Budget (D1)
b) Capital Programme (D2)
c) 2014/15 Treasury Strategy & Treasury Update (D3)
d) Prudential Indicators (D4)
e) Council Tax Formal Resolution for 2014/15 (D5)
Alternative budget proposals have been submitted to Council by the Conservative Group. A copy of the proposals, and the comments of the Budget & Finance Scrutiny Committee and the Chief Financial Officer, can be seen at item 14 below. At the meeting, the alternative budget proposals will be moved as an amendment to the Cabinet's proposals.
Appendix D1 Overview & Revenue Budget
D1 0 sfp report Council 27 FEB 2014.pdf
Appendix D1-01 Heatmap
D1 1 - Heatmap Showing the estimated change in funding by local authority area from 2010 to 2013.pdf
Appendix D1-02 Safeguarding Cost Improvement Plan
D1 2 - Safeguarding Cost Improvement Plan.pdf
Appendix D1-03 Savings Proposals
D1 3 - SAVINGS.pdf
Appendix D1-04a Overall Budget Strategy Impact Analysis
D1 4a - Overall Budget Strategy Impact Analysis.pdf
Appendix D1-04b Equalities Impact Assessments on Identified Savings Proposals
D1 4b - Equalities Impact Assessments on identified savings proposals.pdf
Appendix D1-04c Environment Economic Impact Assessment
D1 4c - Environmental Economic Impact Assessment.pdf
Appendix D1-05 Budget Consultation
D1 5 - Budget consultation report.pdf
Appendix D1-06 Scrutiny Response
D1 6 - Scrutiny Response.pdf
Appendix D1-07 Council Tax Comparison
D1 7 - Council Tax Comparison.pdf
Appendix D1-09a Base Budget 2014/15
D1 9a - Base Budget 201415.pdf
Appendix D1-05b Analysis of Base Budget Movement
D1 9b - Analysis of Base Budget Movement.pdf
Appendix D1-10 Reserves and Balances
D1 10 - Reserves and Balances.pdf
Appendix D1-11 CFO Robustness Statement
D1 11 - CFO Robustness Report.pdf
Appendix D1-12 Communication and Engagement Plan
D1 12 - Communication and Engagement Action Plan.pdf
Appendix D2 Capital Programme
D2 0 Capital Programme report.pdf
Appendix D2-01 Capital Programme 2014/15
D2 1 - Capital Programme 201415.pdf
Appendix D2-02 Planned Building Investment Programme
D2 2 - Capital Strategy.pdf
Appendix D2-03 Asset Management Plan
D2 3 - Capital Strategy.pdf
Appendix D2-04 Highways and Transport Capital Investment Programme
D2 4 - Capital Strategy.pdf
Appendix D3 2014/15 Treasury Strategy and Treasury Update
D3 - 201415 Treasury Strategy and Treasury Update.pdf
Appendix D4 Prudential Indicators
D4 - Prudential Indicators.pdf
Appendix D5 Council Tax Formal Resolution 2014/15
D5 0 Council Tax Resolution 14 15 Report.pdf
D5 1 Council Tax Resolution Apendices.pdf
9.0 | The Local Government Boundary Commission for England - Electoral Review of Telford & Wrekin Borough Council |
To receive a verbal report from Councillor R. Sloan, Chairman of the Boundary Review Committee, on the LGBCE's final recommendations following their review of electoral arrangements in the Borough.
A copy of the LGBCE Final Recommendations document is attached to the agenda, and the full map of the new warding arrangements can be viewed at the following link: and -wrekin-fer
Appendix E
B1 - LGBCE Final Recommendations.pdf
10.0 | Recommendations from Boards and Committees |
a) 10 February Personnel Committee - Publication of the Council's Pay Policy Statement
The minutes of the meeting of the Personnel Committee of 10th February 2013 contain the following recommendation at Minute number PEC-4. A copy of the report of the Assistant Director: Law, Democracy & People Services is appended to the agenda.
That the Council's Pay Policy Statement for 2014/15, as amended, be approved for publication on the Council's website on 1st April 2014.
Appendix F
Pay Policy Statement 2014-15.pdf
11.0 | Minutes of Boards and Committees |
To note the following resolved Minutes:
Audit Committee - 28 January
Boundary Review Committee - 3 February
Budget & Finance Scrutiny Committee - 7, 21, 27 January
Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee - 26 November
Health & Wellbeing Board - 22 January
Licensing Committee - 14 January
Personnel Committee - 10 February
Planning Committee - 15 January and 5 February
Scrutiny Managment Board - 15 November
Appendix G
Audit cttee mins 280114 - FINAL.pdf
Appendix H
BRC Final Minutes 030214.pdf
Appendix I1
Minutes 07 01 14.pdf
Appendix I2
Minutes 21.01.14 - final.pdf
Appendix I3
Final Minutes 27 01 14.pdf
Appendix J
Minutes 26 11 13 - final draft.pdf
Appendix K
HWB Minutes 220114 - FINAL.pdf
Appendix L
Lic Min - 140114 - final.pdf
Appendix M
PEC 100214 minutes final.pdf
Appendix N1
Appendix N2
PC_ 050214_minutes_final.pdf
Appendix O
Minutes 15.11.13 - final draft.pdf
12.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 7.
N.B. In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 7.4 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.
13.0 | Notices of Motion |
Councillor Andrew Eade will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:
"This Council calls on the national Leaders of the three main political parties to give the Electorate in Telford & Wrekin and the country an unequivocal undertaking for an "in or out" referendum on membership of the EU before the end of 2017. This Council further undertakes to write to both Members of Parliament whose constituencies cover the Borough to formally request their help in achieving this goal".
The motion will be seconded by Councillor Nigel Dugmore.
14.0 | Alternative Budget Proposals |
See Agenda Item 8 above. These have been submitted by the Conservative Group. Also attached are the comments of the Budget and Finance Scrutiny Committee and the Chief Financial Officer.