Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 09 July 2015

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Shropshire College Hotel School Ltd (The Whitehouse), Watling Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 2NJ   Map

 Agenda    Agenda.pdf 
1.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council and the Special Meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2015
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest
4.0 Leader's Report and Announcements
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
5.0 Mayor's Announcements
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Annual Council meeting of the held on 21 May 2015.
6.0 Public Questions

To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members.

With the biggest changes to Bus services in Telford Wrekin in the last 10 years I am very concerned about the lack of consultation by Arriva
and the impact these changes will have on the most vulnerable residents. I am pleased to see that the council has raised their concerns and are also asking for an extension to the consultation period, together with our two MPs, to lobby Government ministers to campaign for better regulation of our local bus services. Could the cabinet member for Communities, Regeneration and Transport inform us whether she has received a response?

John  Thompson   
Chair  Telford Wrekin Bus User Group
25 Broadway  Avenue

7.0 Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members mayspeak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant CabinetMember for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers grantedat those meetings.
8.0 Recommendations from Cabinet

Cabinet 25 June 2015

2014/15 Out-turn and Initial Monitoring for 2015/16

Recommended that –

(i) the Revenue out-turn position and related virements for 2014/15,  shown in Appendix 3 of the report (and subject to audit by the Council’s external auditors), and the transfers to reserves detailed in paragraph 5.3 of the report be approved;

(ii) the Capital out-turn position and related supplementary estimates, virements and re-phasing, shown in Appendix 4 of the report, be approved;

(iii) that performance against income targets be noted;

(iv) that the key issues identified for 2015/16 be noted, and the new capital allocation detailed in paragraph 8.2 be approved.

9.0 Implementation of New Legislation and Changes to the Constitution - Statutory Officers

To consider the report of the People Services Manager, Legal Services Manager and Audit Manager which proposes, following recent changes to legislation,  changes to the disciplinary process for Head of Paid Service, Chief Financial Officer and Monitoring Officer. The report seeks approval for changes to the constitution and agreement of local arrangements for the Council in respect of new legislative requirements.

The report also seeks approval for changes to the Terms of Reference of Audit Committee resulting from the 30 June 2015 meeting

Recommended that –

(i) That the Council’s Constitution be amended to incorporate the new legislative requirements and that Council consider approving the proposed arrangement as detailed in Appendix 1 for the disciplining and dismissal of senior staff as set out in the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/881), (“the Regulations”)

(ii)  That the current Independent Persons engaged by the Council for member conduct issues be invited to fulfil the role of Independent Persons under the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/881), (“the Regulations”). 

(iii) The Council confirm agreement for the arrangements in Appendix1 to contain a panel made up of Independent Persons and that accordingly the requirement for political balance does not apply in accordance with the provisions in section 17 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(iv)  That further reports be submitted to Council as national contractual and legislative issues are determined.

(v)  That the Constitutional Changes recommended by Audit Committee at its meeting of 30 June 2015 be approved.

10.0 Recommendations from Boards and Committees

Audit Committee

At its meeting held on 30 June 2015, the Audit Committee made the following recommendation to Council. 

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

Recommended – that the updated Policy be adopted.

11.0 Minutes of Boards and Committees
To note the following resolved Minutes:
Boundary Review Committee – 29 January 2015
Co-Operative and Communities Scrutiny Committee – 24 March 2015
Health and Wellbeing Board – 21 January 2015 and 11 March 2015
Licensing Committee – 24 March 2015
Planning Committee – 25 February 2015, 18 March 2015, 8  April 2015 and 3 June 2015
12.0 Questions

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 7.

N.B.   In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 7.4 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.

13.0 Notices of Motion

(i)  Councillor A J Eade will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:

This Council notes with concern the proposed changes to bus routes announced by Arriva and condemns their lack of proper consultation and consideration of community needs in Telford and Wrekin. This council therefore resolves to press Arriva for an extension to the current 19th of July deadline in order for the Company to gather views, allow proper consideration and reflection on the impact which their current actions will inflict on our community.

This Council further resolves to act on behalf of the Community and challenge Arriva’s decision if proper consultation and consideration does not take place

The motion will be seconded by Councillor S Bentley

(ii)  Councillor E Carter will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:

This council notes with regret the previous Administration’s decision to close the well-used recycling centre at Newport, while at the same time granting planning permission for over a thousand new houses in the town. Consequently, this Council requests that the Administration works with the community to provide a new facility in this part of the Borough.

The motion will be seconded by Councillor T Nelson

(iii) Councillor A McClements will move, in accordance with Council procedure rule 11, the following motion:

“With a number of MPs now speaking out against their own Government’s ill thought-out Bedroom Tax, we call on our two MPs for both The Wrekin and Telford to support this Council’s opposition to the Bedroom Tax and call on the Government to scrap this flawed policy with immediate effect, which is having a detrimental and devastating effect on the lives of so many vulnerable people in our Borough who are renting from a registered housing association or other registered social landlords.”

The motion will be seconded by Councillor S Reynolds