Councillors and Decision Making


Customer, Community & Partnership Scrutiny Committee

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Date: Monday 04 July 2016

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Ground Floor Meeting Rooms G3&G4, Addenbrooke House, Ironmasters Way, Telford, TF3 4NT   View Map

 Agenda    Agenda.pdf 
1.0 Apologies for Absence
2.0 Declarations of Interest
3.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Customer, Community & Partnership Scrutiny Committee held on 26 April 2016.
4.0 Customer Services

To receive a presentation from senior Officers to include:

a) an update on performance data from the contact centre;

b) Usage of First Point at Southwater 1 on Saturdays and the impact of Saturday closure;

c) Feedback from mystery shopping and product testing carried out by Members of the Committee (with Members)

The Cabinet Member for Transport, Customer & Neighbourhood Services will attend for this item.

5.0 Traffic Management

To receive a presentation from senior Officers to include:

a) Feedback on the impact of the signaling technology installed at key interchanges on traffic flows and journey times;

b) Feedback on the impact of part-time traffic lights at Randlay roundabout;

c) An update on the changes to roundabouts funded by LEP Growth Point Funding

The Cabinet Member for Transport, Customer & Neighbourhood Services will attend for this item.

6.0 Scrutiny Co-Optees

For the Committee to endorse the co-option of Paula Doherty, Edgmond Parish Council and Dave Johnson to the Committee.

7.0 Work Programme
For the Committee to discuss the outline work programme and to put forward any new suggestions or agree any recommendations to put forward to the Scrutiny Management Board to consider in determining the 2016/17 Scrutiny Work Programme.