Full Council
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Date: Thursday 22 September 2016
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: TCAT (Telford College of Arts and Technology )
1.0 | Prayers |
2.0 | Apologies for Absence |
3.0 | Declarations of Interest |
4.0 | Minutes of the Council |
To confirm the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 July 2016.
Appendix A
Minutes 14 July 2016.pdf
5.0 | Leader's Report and Announcements |
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
6.0 | Mayor's Announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Annual Council meeting held on 26 May 2016.
Appendix B
Mayoral Engagements.pdf
7.0 | Public Questions |
To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members. None received. |
8.0 | Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
Appendix C
Report of Cabinet.pdf
9.0 | Recommendations from Cabinet |
Cabinet – 21 July 2016 (i) 2016/17 Financial Management Report Recommended that –
10.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2. NB In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days. |
11.0 | Notices of Motion |
(i) Councillor A J Eade will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion: “This Council notes with extreme concern the recent reports concerning vulnerable children in Telford & Wrekin and calls on the current Administration to:- Present a comprehensive plan at the November Full Council Meeting demonstrating a clear commitment to the improvement of Children’s Services and detail exactly how the Administration intends to raise all Children’s Services in the Borough to a minimum standard of ‘Good’. Also to present to the same meeting, details of measures the current Administration will now introduce to ensure that vulnerable children in the Borough are fully protected in future and precisely how it will tackle the serious problems currently facing the Borough.” Councillor T J Nelson will second the Motion. (ii) Councillor R A Overton will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion: “Council reaffirms its belief that it is important that a constituency based on the majority of Telford is essential for the Regional and National Profile of the Town In the last review the Council opposed the proposals to create a Bridgnorth and Telford South constituency and a Telford North and The Wrekin constituency. The Council’s proposals which were accepted (before the review was suspended) were for two constituencies as follows:- • A Telford Constituency Council agrees that this still represents the two constituencies that the voters of the Borough could identify with.” Councillor A J Burford will second the Motion. |