Councillors and Decision Making


Customer, Community & Partnership Scrutiny Committee

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Date: Monday 05 December 2016

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Ground Floor Meeting Room G4, Addenbrooke House, Ironmasters Way, Telford, TF3 4NT  

 Agenda    Agenda 05 12 16.pdf 
1.0 Apologies for Absence
2.0 Declarations of Interest
3.0 Minutes
Toconfirm the minutes of the meeting of the Customer, Community & PartnershipScrutiny Committee held on 4 October 2016.
4.0 Housing and Homelessness
To receive an update on the HomelessnessStrategy and the steps being taken to tackle homelessness in the borough.    
5.0 Houses in Multiple Occupation
To receive data on Houses in Multiple Occupation in the borough and toconsider the steps to identify and tackle issues relating to HMOs.
6.0 Flood Management Strategy
To receive an update on the Flood Management Strategy.
7.0 Work Programme
To agree items for the next meeting.
8.0 Chair’s Update