Councillors and Decision Making


Scrutiny Commission 1 - Children & Young People

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Date: Monday 08 September 2008

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of Scrutiny Commission 1 held on the 14th July 2008
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest/Party Whip
4.0 Forward Plan
To identify any items in the current Forward Plan that maybe of interest to the Commission.
5.0 Raising the Profile of Children & Young People
To receive a series of six presentations of 10 minutes each from the following: Councillor Stephen Burrell - to give an overview of the work the Council is doing to raise the positive profile of young people locally, and specifically on his role in this as a Cabinet Member. Andy Challenor and Sarah Stembridge - Active Involvement Service - to give more detail on the work that has been done - successes, challenges and next steps. Charlotte Baker (CYP Communications Officer), Anne Almond (CYP Communications Manager) and two young people - to explain about the For the RecordProject and any other actions they have in place to raise the positive profile of CYP. Alastair James (Connexions for Youth) - to give information on Connexions for Youth work with young people to promote positive images of CYP. Steven Jenkins or Nigel Newman (CYP Services PR representative) - to talk about their role in raising the positive profile of young people (including good examples) internally and externally. Peter Johnson (Chief Reporter - shropshire Star) and Tim Beech (Managing Editor - BBC Radio Shropshire) - to give the press and media perspective, and their perception of how they portray young people locally. These presentations will be followed by an open discussion to explore how we can work more closely together to raise the positive profile of Children & Young People.
6.0 Chairman's Update and Review of the Meeting
7.0 Dates of future meetings of the Commission
Monday 3rd November 2008, Monday 19th January 2009 and Monday 30th March 2009