
Date: Tuesday 07 December 2010
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD
1.0 | Minutes |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet on the 23/11/2010
2.0 | Apologies for Absence |
3.0 | Declarations of Interest |
4.0 | Direct Payments Policy |
Lead Members:
Jacqui Seymour
5.0 | Exclusion of Public and Press |
It is recommended that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
6.0 | Provision of Intermediate Care Beds |
Lead Members:
Jacqui Seymour
7.0 | Borough Towns Initiative - Oakengates Regeneration |
Lead Members:
Eric Carter
8.0 | Contract for Bailiff Services/ Debt Recovery |
Lead Members:
Sean Kelly