Councillors and Decision Making


Co-operative & Community Scrutiny Committee

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Date: Thursday 02 February 2012

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Scrutiny Meeting Room, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

Democratic Services:
Jayne Clarke (83205)  

1.0 Minutes
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Co-Operative and Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 1st December 2011.
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest
4.0 Management of Community Centres
To agree the Terms of Reference for the scrutiny review of the management of community centres. Further information will be provided at the meeting.
5.0 New Scrutiny Suggestions for discussion
For members to agree if the following two suggestions should be added to the Forward Plan: 1. A review of the application of Section 106 agreements and the implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on developments in Telford and Wrekin. 2. The communication with Town & Parish Councils regarding the sales of assets.
6.0 Forward Plan
For Members to consider future agenda items and meeting dates.