Browse Courses

First Aid at Work with Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Price : £195.00

Duration : 3 days (19½ hours)

Course Overview

This informative three day course provides the comprehensive set of practical skills needed to become a confident first aider at work. It covers a wide range of CPR, AED and First Aid skills and includes the Emergency First Aid at Work syllabus and also equips the first-aider to apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illness. This course also teaches the essential skills that an AED operator needs and gives the confidence to know what to do in an emergency.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Those identified as first aiders in their workplace and those looking for our most thorough first aid training.

First Aid at Work Requalification with Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Price : £140.00

Duration : 2 days (13½ hours)

Course Overview

Employers are legally required to assess their workplace with regards to First Aid qualification needs. The findings of the needs assessment should indicate the level of first aid equipment, facilities and personnel required. This two day course provides the comprehensive set of practical skills needed to retain confidence as a first aider at work. It covers a wide range of CPR, AED and First Aid skills and includes the Emergency First Aid at Work syllabus and also equips the first-aider to apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illness.

Course Pre Requisites

Participants must already have a valid First Aid at Work certificate that has not expired.

Who Is This Course For

Those identified as first aiders in their workplace looking to renew their First Aid at Work qualification.

Emergency Paediatric First Aid and Emergency Paediatric First Aid Requalification

Price : £80.00

Duration : 1 day (6 hours)

Course Overview

This comprehensive one day course covers a wide range of CPR and First Aid skills related to children and equips the first-aider to apply emergency first aid to a range of specific injuries. This course will provide the learner with a nationally recognised Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) qualification

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

People looking after children including teachers, childminders, nannies, nursery and pre-school workers, sport and leisure staff, Au Pairs and playgroup leaders. This course is Ofsted and Sure Start compliant. It is also an excellent course for parents who would like more in-depth training on common accidents and illnesses focusing on babies and children.

Paediatric First Aid and Paediatric First Aid Requalification

Price : £125.00

Duration : 2 days (12 hours)

Course Overview

This comprehensive two day course covers a wide range of CPR and First Aid skills related to children and includes First Aid syllabus and also equips the first-aider to apply emergency first aid to a range of specific injuries and illness. This course will provide the learner with a nationally recognised Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) qualification

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

People looking after children including teachers, childminders, nannies, nursery and pre-school workers, sport and leisure staff, Au Pairs and playgroup leaders. This course is Ofsted and Sure Start compliant. It is also an excellent course for parents who would like more in-depth training on common accidents and illnesses focusing on babies and children.

Emergency First Aid At Work and Emergency First Aid at Work Requalification

Price : £80.00

Duration : 1 day (6 hours)

Course Overview

This one day course covers a range of CPR and First Aid skills and the training enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. This course will provide the learner a nationally recognised Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This course is ideal for low hazard environments (e.g. offices, shops, libraries) or where your needs assessment identifies a requirement for a first aider trained in emergency first aid at work. If your needs assessment identifies additional hazards or risks or staff with a medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or a heart condition we recommend the First Aid At Work course as this covers a broader syllabus including the recognition and treatment of a wider range of conditions.

Caretaker Health and Safety Awareness - Schools

Price : £60.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

This course gives an overview for schools (who have a caretaker role within their organisation) on their legal responsibilities for health and safety, how to carry these responsibilities out. Course participants will learn: the do’s and don’ts of a caretaker; basic principles of risk assessment; general building safety and security; health and safety considerations for the environment you work in and you as a caretaker. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a caretaker role within their organisation with responsibility for health & safety matters.

Construction and Contractors

Price : £120.00

Duration : 4 hours

Course Overview

This course should provide learners with a practical knowledge of the key requirements under the Construction (Design Management) Regulations 2015 and how to consider the management of health and safety of contractors undertaking work on your site: it deals with the risks associated with construction projects (e.g. falls from height, manual handling, site transport, asbestos, decent welfare); unsafe practices; risk control scenarios.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a principal role in construction, including designers, contractors, sub-contractors and workers.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment

Price : £90.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

This course will provide participants with an understanding of the legal requirements for display screen equipment work (i.e. work with computers) to be assessed and to learn and practice the techniques for carrying these out. Course participants will learn how to: Identify the hazards arising from using display screen equipment; carry out assessments of display screen equipment work stations; set up a work station correctly; advise on improvements and management of display screen equipment users; advise on your organisations eye test procedures; and understand the risks associated with dynamic working. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Managers, supervisors or nominated employees who need to become DSE assessors.

Governors’ Role in Health and Safety

Price : £110.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

Target Audience Governors of Academes, trust run schools and committees with responsibility for health and safety. This course is designed to provide health and safety advice and support to governors, to enable them to help the school comply with their legal responsibilities. Advice will include how the governing body can plan for the school to implement the health and safety policy, by setting objectives and performance standards and monitoring of the process.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Governors of Academies, trust run schools and committees with responsibility for health and safety.

Health and Safety for Building Managers

Price : £120.00

Duration : 4 hours

Course Overview

This course gives an overview for Building managers’ legal responsibilities for health and safety, how to carry these out and the assistance available to do this. Course participants will learn: a building managers legal responsibilities for health and safety; health and safety building management within you building; the support available to the building manager; policies, risk assessment, monitoring, record keeping, training, accidents, emergencies and ill health; building health and safety risks; and health and safety audits and building checklists. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for health & safety matters within their respective field or business.

Investigating Accidents and Investigations

Price : £120.00

Duration : 3 hours

Course Overview

The investigating accidents and incidents training will give you a broad understanding of the principles of an investigation process, looking at the benefits of prevention with the emphasis on practical training exercises and real-life case studies. It will enable you to meet your moral and legal obligations to investigate accidents and incidents and assist compliance with relevant legislation, including Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)(1995).

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone with a role or responsibility in accident/incident processes.

Event Safety for Large Events

Price : £180.00

Duration : All day

Course Overview

The Event Safety course will enable anyone organising an event, to understand their duty to plan, manage and monitor an event and to make sure that workers and the visiting public are not exposed to health and safety risks.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone with a Health and Safety role or responsibility during and event process, event organisers and event safety officer.

Legionella Awareness

Price : £60.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

This course gives participants an understanding of how Legionella grows and causes infection and the measures to control it. Course participants will learn about: domestic arrangements; complying with the law – L8 ACOP; identifying and assessing water risks; nominating a responsible person for your site; preventing and controlling risks and keeping correct records. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for health & safety matters within their respective field or business.

Managing Health and Safety

Price : £120.00

Duration : 3 hours (after completion of e-learning package)

Course Overview

This course gives participants an overview of a managers legal responsibilities for health and safety, how to carry these out and the assistance available to do this. Course participants will learn: a managers legal responsibilities for health and safety; how health and safety law is enforced; how health and safety is managed within your company; policies, consultation, risk assessment, monitoring, record keeping, training, accidents, emergencies and ill health. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for health & safety matters within their respective field or business.

Managing Health & Safety In a Care Provision

Price : £180.00

Duration : All day

Course Overview

Informing those responsible for Health & Safety in a care provision of their responsibilities. To ensure health and safety is sensibly and effectively managed and minimise risks for those being cared for and their care workers, and to ensure you comply with any relevant health & safety law. This course is targeted at a wide range of organisations providing care for young people and adults in local authorities, the NHS, and those from the private and voluntary sectors.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This course is aimed at those providing a service and managing care provisions. E.g. Directors, Care Providers, Care Managers and those with a Health & Safety role.

Managing Health and Safety (Annual Refresher) for Schools

Price : £50.00

Duration : 1.5 hours

Course Overview

This course provides participants with a refresher on key health and safety issues for managers and nominated employees who have undertaken training in managing health and safety three or more years ago. Course participants will: be able to assess how recent/forthcoming changes to Health & Safety law and policy will affect their workplace and practices; review their legal responsibilities for health and safety and how the law is enforced; review how their management of health and safety contributes to the strategy for managing health and safety within their organisation; be given an opportunity to explore further any areas of health and safety that are a cause for concern. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for health & safety matters within their respective field or business.

Qualsafe Awards (QA) Level 2 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace

Price : £60.00

Duration : 1 days (6 hours)

Course Overview

Designed to ensure that all employees are aware of their own safety and the safety of customers, contractors and the public. This qualification can be tailored to business and individual needs to make the learning experience relevant and fit for purpose. Building on the knowledge gained on the level 1 qualification participants will learn the principles of health and safety and accident prevention and understand the responsibilities placed on employers and employees.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone in a work environment.

Qualsafe Awards (QA) Level 2 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace (Refresher)

Price : £35.00

Duration : ½ days (3 hours)

Course Overview

This qualification has been designed to provide a simple and concise update of health and safety to candidates holding the Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace Qualification.

Course Pre Requisites

The participant must have a Level 2 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace.

Who Is This Course For

All candidates who have taken the Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace are recommended to take a refresher course three years after completion.

Routine Visual inspection of outdoor Playground equipment

Price : £60.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

This course will enable participants to identify and look at their outdoor play equipment's basic condition, especially faults due to recent vandalism, breakages and cleanliness of the playground. It will include: practical advice on how to carry out and record inspections; report defects; and practical workshops on site to ensure staff that have been nominated are competent to carry out daily/weekly inspections, record findings and understand importance of reporting defects. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for health & safety matters within their respective field or business.

Risk Assessment

Price : £180.00

Duration : 7 hours

Course Overview

This course will give participants and understanding of the legal requirements for risk assessments and to learn and practice the techniques for carrying these out. This will ensure that staff expected to carry out risk assessments are competent in the principles of the Risk Assessment process and in carrying out and recording Risk Assessments. There is no formal assessment, renewal or certificate for this course.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Individuals who have a role or responsibility for carrying out risk assessments.

Ladder Safety

Price : £30.00

Duration : 2 hours

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide comprehensive information on correct ladder usage and working at a height regulations. Participants will learn about different ladder types, specifications and standards, user responsibilities and risk assessments. This comprehensive course is designed to recognise and eliminate the dangers of incorrect ladder usage covering all types of extension/step ladders.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This course is suitable for anyone who is required to use ladders or stepladders as part of their job role.

Risk Assessment for Schools

Price : £180.00

Duration : 7 hours

Course Overview

Bespoke for schools - student, classroom and activity based. To give an understanding of the legal requirements for risk assessments and to learn and practice the techniques for carrying these out. To ensure that as Teachers and Teaching assistants are aware of the principles of the Risk Assessment process and competent in the carrying out and recording of Risk Assessments under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Qualsafe Awards (QA) Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles

Price : £35.00

Duration : ½ day (3 hours)

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide essential information about manual handling hazards and their control. This course will allow participants to understand the risks associated with manual handling, learn the value of risk assessment and apply the principles of safer handling to a range of everyday manual handling tasks.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This qualification is aimed at those who carry out manual handling at work including both industrial and office workers. Those who need to learn about practical manual handling techniques should stay on for a further half-day training session and assessment to gain the full Qualsafe Awards Level 2 Award in Manual Handling – Principles and Practice qualification.

Qualsafe Awards (QA) Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles and Practice

Price : £50.00

Duration : 1 day (6 hours)

Course Overview

This one day course is designed to provide essential information about manual handling hazards and their control. This course will allow participants to understand the risks associated with manual handling, learn the value of risk assessment and apply the principles of safer handling to a range of everyday manual handling tasks.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This qualification is aimed at those who carry out manual handling at work including both industrial and office workers. To give you maximum flexibility it can be delivered as a half-day programme for learners who only wish to gain Qualsafe Awards Level 2 Award in Principles of Manual Handling.

National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) including Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Price : £250.00

Duration : 37.5 hours minimum

Course Overview

The RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) is the most awarded lifeguard qualification in the United Kingdom and Ireland and is also internationally recognised. This qualification is regulated by Ofqual. The NPLQ covers all elements of Pool Rescue Techniques, Lifeguarding Theory, First Aid and CPR. The course is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times, lifting casualties and diving to the deepest part of the swimming pool. Training and assessment for the NPLQ is in three sections and all must be successfully passed to attain the qualification. Upon qualifying with the NPLQ, the certificate is valid for two years from the date of successful completion.

Course Pre Requisites

Every candidate attending a NPLQ course must be 16-years-old at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment and be able • Jump/dive into deep water • Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds • Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water • Tread water for 30 seconds • Surface dive to the floor of the pool • Climb out unaided without ladder/steps and where the pool design permits.

Who Is This Course For

People interested in training to become a lifeguard. This is an excellent starting point for a career in the leisure industry. The course can provide an opportunity for career progression, as most leisure managers start off as Pool Lifeguards.

Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) Qualification

Price : £150.00

Duration : 20 hours

Course Overview

Open water swimming is the fastest growing sport worldwide due to its increasing popularity. The Open Water Lifeguard Qualification delivered over three days, is valid is 2 years and is independently assessed. The candidate manual and trainer resources help the Trainer Assessor deliver through the three sections: Section 1 - The Open Water Lifeguard, environment, hazards and supervision Section 2 - Responding to an emergency and taking action Section 3 - CPR and First Aid

Course Pre Requisites

• OWL candidates should have experience of participating in a variety of open water activities in a variety of venues. Formal evidence (certificates etc) is not required, but it should be highlighted that candidates with no experience of open water are likely to find the workshop very challenging • Candidates must be 16+ years old • Candidates must be able to complete a continuous swim of at least 400 metres in a pool • Candidates must be able to dive to a depth of up to two metres

Who Is This Course For

The Open Water Lifeguard qualification enables candidates with no previous lifeguard experience to become qualified. By attaining this qualification candidates will have been assessed as competent to provide supervision and rescue cover for planned, organised and risk-assessed activities in open water (still, non-tidal).

Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) Qualification - renewal

Price : £110.00

Duration : 12 hours

Course Overview

Open water swimming is the fastest growing sport worldwide due to its increasing popularity. The Open Water Lifeguard Qualification renewal course is delivered over two days, is valid is 2 years and is independently assessed. The candidate manual and trainer resources help the Trainer Assessor deliver through the three sections: Section 1 - The Open Water Lifeguard, environment, hazards and supervision Section 2 - Responding to an emergency and taking action Section 3 - CPR and First Aid

Course Pre Requisites

Candidates must meet the following conditions before you arrange a renewal assessment. • They must hold a current, full NPLQ (or equivalent) • They must have access to the most recent copy of the OWL candidate handbook

Who Is This Course For

Candidates renewing their existing module should have been involved in regular open water lifeguard activity. We recommend that candidates keep records of all the events they attend.

Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) 'bolt-on' module

Price : £60.00

Duration : 6 hours

Course Overview

Open water swimming is the fastest growing sport worldwide due to its increasing popularity, there is a risk that lifeguards without all of the skills they need maybe asked to lifeguard open water. The ‘bolt-on’ module will bridge the gap and equips lifeguards with both the knowledge and experience to keep people safe in open water. The module is delivered over 1 day at an open water venue. Section 1 -Open Water Hazards Section 2 - Lifeguarding an Open Water Site Section 3 - Practical in-water training

Course Pre Requisites

• OWL candidates should have experience of participating in a variety of open water activities in a variety of venues. Formal evidence (certificates etc) is not required, but it should be highlighted that candidates with no experience of open water are likely to find the workshop very challenging • Candidates must hold current RLSS UK NPLQ (National Pool Lifeguard Qualification) (or equivalent) • Candidates must be able to complete a continuous swim of at least 400 metres in a pool • Candidates must be able to dive to a depth of up to two metres

Who Is This Course For

Open Water Lifeguard ‘bolt-on’ module allows all pool lifeguards who hold the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) to develop their skills and knowledge to lifeguard open water.

Emergency Response Pool

Price : £110.00

Duration : 13 hours

Course Overview

ER-Pool is also a suitable qualification to back up and support the lifeguard team. In addition, this qualification is an excellent foundation to becoming a lifeguard and completing the RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). The ER-Pool programme is designed for use in small pools no greater than 1.5m in depth such as a health club or hotel pool. For pools that require direct supervision on the pool side and for larger pools, the RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualification would be more suitable. The qualification is made up of 3 sections: Section 1 - The emergency responder’s role, Pool Safety Operating Procedures, types of pools and swimmer safety information Section 2 - Responding to an emergency and the Emergency Action Plan Section 3 - CPR and First Aid Optional elements - AED and/or Pool Extraction Board (PXB) can be included.

Course Pre Requisites

To enter onto a course candidates must be able to: • Swim a minimum of 25m on their front and back • Surface dive to the deepest part of the pool; and climb out without help and without using steps or ladders (where venue design permits) To gain the ER-Pool qualification candidates must: • Be aged 16 or older at the beginning of the course • Complete at least the minimum training hours for the course; and • Successfully complete the course assessment

Who Is This Course For

The Emergency Response Pool Programme (ER-Pool) is designed for those who have a responsibility to respond to an emergency within the swimming pool environment when the alarm has been raised. The Emergency Responder can be any member of the facility called upon to rescue and provide first aid.

Aquatic Therapy Shallow Pool Rescue Award (ATSPRA)

Price : £75.00

Duration : 7 hours minimum

Course Overview

The ATSPRA is a supervision and rescue qualification for therapists, teachers and support staff working on the poolside or in the water during activities such as, aquatic therapy or therapeutic exercise/play.

Course Pre Requisites

To enter onto a course candidates must be able to: • wade in standing depth water swiftly and confidently • regain their feet from a face-down and face-up floating position • climb out of the pool unaided To gain the ATSPRA qualification candidates must: • be aged 16 years or older at the time of the assessment • complete at least the minimum training hours for the course • successfully complete the course assessment

Who Is This Course For

The qualification is suitable for use in shallow pools where the rescuer will not be required to swim to perform a rescue, with water no deeper than the rescuers chest depth.

Aquatic Therapy Shallow Pool Rescue Award (ATSPRA) including CPR and First Aid

Price : £110.00

Duration : 14 hours minimum

Course Overview

The ATSPRA is a supervision and rescue qualification for therapists, teachers and support staff working on the poolside or in the water during activities such as, aquatic therapy or therapeutic exercise/play.

Course Pre Requisites

All Candidates To enter onto a course candidates must be able to: • wade in standing depth water swiftly and confidently • regain their feet from a face-down and face-up floating position • climb out of the pool unaided New Candidate To gain the ATSPRA qualification candidates must: • be aged 16 years or older at the time of the assessment • complete at least the minimum training hours for the course • successfully complete the course assessment

Who Is This Course For

The qualification is suitable for use in shallow pools where the rescuer will not be required to swim to perform a rescue, with water no deeper than the rescuers chest depth.

National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC)

Price : £110.00

Duration : 14 hours minimum

Course Overview

The NRASTC is a supervision and rescue qualification for teachers working on the poolside or in the water during programmed activities, such as a swimming lesson.

Course Pre Requisites

All Candidates To enter onto a course candidates must be able to: • swim 50m; • surface dive to the deepest part the pool; and climb out without help and without using steps or ladders. New Candidate To gain the NRASTC qualification candidates must: • be aged 16 or older at the time of the assessment; • complete at least the minimum training hours for the course; and • successfully complete the course assessment. Renewal Candidates Candidates renewing their qualification must: • be considered prepared and ready for the assessment by the presenting Trainer Assessor; • must pass the assessment before their existing NRASTC qualification expires, including re-taking any failed sections; and • if their qualification expires, meet the criteria for, and be assessed as, a new candidate. Please note – it is not possible to extend the expiry date of the NRASTC qualification.

Who Is This Course For

It is suitable for teachers working in a wide range of swimming pools, including pools where the water is deeper than the teacher’s standing depth.

National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches LIGHT (NRASTC LIGHT)

Price : £75.00

Duration : 8.5 hours minimum

Course Overview

NRASTC LIGHT is a supervision and rescue qualification for teachers working on the poolside or in the water during programmed activities, such as a swimming lesson when Lifeguard or First Aid backup is available to respond quickly in the event of emergency.

Course Pre Requisites

All Candidates To enter onto a course candidates must be able to: • swim 50m; • surface dive to the deepest part the pool; and climb out without help and without using steps or ladders. New Candidate To gain the NRASTC qualification candidates must: • be aged 16 or older at the time of the assessment; • complete at least the minimum training hours for the course; and • successfully complete the course assessment. Renewal Candidates Candidates renewing their qualification must: • be considered prepared and ready for the assessment by the presenting Trainer Assessor; • must pass the assessment before their existing NRASTC qualification expires, including re-taking any failed sections; and • if their qualification expires, meet the criteria for, and be assessed as, a new candidate. Please note – it is not possible to extend the expiry date of the NRASTC qualification.

Who Is This Course For

It is suitable for teachers working in a wide range of swimming pools, including pools where the water is deeper than the teacher’s standing depth. This award is only suitable when the facility has staff qualified as Lifeguards or First Aiders that are available to respond quickly to a swimming teacher or coach in the event of an emergency. If Lifeguard or First Aid backup is not available the standard NRASTC should be used.

RLSS UK Trainer Assessor

Price : £650.00

Duration : Core 3 days + 2 days for NPLQ Specialism

Course Overview

To become a Pool Lifeguard Trainer Assessor you will have to attend a five day course. If successful on the course you will leave as a Probationary RLSS UK Pool Lifeguard Trainer Assessor. The probationary period is a maximum of two years from course completion. You will then be allocated a National Trainer Assessor or a Mentor. On completion of the probationary period a TA card of Authority will be issued.

Course Pre Requisites

Candidates attending TA courses must: • Be 18 years of age • Be a current member of the Royal Life Saving Society UK (Individual adult membership) • Hold the qualification for the specialism they are attending (e.g. they must hold NPLQ when attending the NPLQ specialism)

Who Is This Course For

Pool Lifeguard Trainer Assessors are responsible for the delivery of the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) throughout the UK. If you are an experienced Pool Lifeguard then this should be the next step in your leisure career.

National Water Safety Management Programme - Level 1

Price : £80.00

Duration : 6 hours

Course Overview

The programme starts with Level 1, the Water Safety Awareness Module, which provides the theoretical platform for more advanced modules. Environment Specific Modules cover hazards associated with flood, beach, river and still water as well as basic rescue techniques. The flood module meets DEFRA standards (Module 1 Water Awareness). For anyone requiring more advanced rescue skills, the In-Water Rescue Module covers essential in-water rescue knowledge and tests competency. Life Support can be bolted on to make a truly comprehensive programme and additional NWSMP modules are being considered to meet the needs of even more employers. The latest edition to the NWSMP family is the Aquatic Personal Protective Equipment (APPE) module, providing in depth guidance on a selection of appropriate APPE and correct use, including commercial lifejackets. The NWSMP is a RLSS UK certificated award. Level 1 includes a self-study pack and a four hour guided learning unit.

Course Pre Requisites

Level 1 - Candidates are required to competently perform a risk assessment exercise and a land based rescue. Candidates do not enter water at Level 1

Who Is This Course For

Relevant to a wide range of sectors, including teaching (field trips), construction, environmental health, leisure and the emergency services.

National Water Safety Management Programme - Level 2

Price : £40.00

Duration : 4 hours

Course Overview

The programme starts with Level 1, the Water Safety Awareness Module, which provides the theoretical platform for more advanced modules. Environment Specific Modules cover hazards associated with flood, beach, river and still water as well as basic rescue techniques. The flood module meets DEFRA standards (Module 1 Water Awareness). For anyone requiring more advanced rescue skills, the In-Water Rescue Module covers essential in-water rescue knowledge and tests competency. Life Support can be bolted on to make a truly comprehensive programme and additional NWSMP modules are being considered to meet the needs of even more employers. The latest edition to the NWSMP family is the Aquatic Personal Protective Equipment (APPE) module, providing in depth guidance on a selection of appropriate APPE and correct use, including commercial lifejackets. The NWSMP is a RLSS UK certificated award. Level 1 includes a self-study pack and a four hour guided learning unit. Each Level 2 and Level 3 Module involves three hours of training. The duration of the course will depend on modules taken but a typical programme for Level 2 Modules and Level 3 requires 2 days of training.

Course Pre Requisites

Relevant to a wide range of sectors, including teaching (field trips), construction, environmental health, leisure and the emergency services.

Who Is This Course For

Level 2 - Candidates need to be water confident. Water rescue techniques and other water safety management skills will be addressed but candidates are not required to swim. A key element at this level is a clear understanding of why it is essential for people to understand their personal limitations and stay within them. Candidates need to have completed the level 1 course before enrolling.

National Water Safety Management Programme - Level 3

Price : £40.00

Duration : 3-4 hours

Course Overview

The programme starts with Level 1, the Water Safety Awareness Module, which provides the theoretical platform for more advanced modules. Environment Specific Modules cover hazards associated with flood, beach, river and still water as well as basic rescue techniques. The flood module meets DEFRA standards (Module 1 Water Awareness). For anyone requiring more advanced rescue skills, the In-Water Rescue Module covers essential in-water rescue knowledge and tests competency. Life Support can be bolted on to make a truly comprehensive programme and additional NWSMP modules are being considered to meet the needs of even more employers. The latest edition to the NWSMP family is the Aquatic Personal Protective Equipment (APPE) module, providing in depth guidance on a selection of appropriate APPE and correct use, including commercial lifejackets. The NWSMP is a RLSS UK certificated award. Level 1 includes a self-study pack and a four hour guided learning unit. Each Level 2 and Level 3 Module involves three hours of training. The duration of the course will depend on modules taken but a typical programme for Level 3 requires 2 days of training.

Course Pre Requisites

Level 3 ‘In-Water Rescue’ module are that candidates are required to be water confident and be able to complete a continuous swim of 100m on their front and 100m on their back. In addition, candidates should be able to surface dive and tread water for 2 minutes. Candidates would need to have completed both levels 1 and 2 in National Water Safety Management to enrol on this course.

Who Is This Course For

Relevant to a wide range of sectors, including teaching (field trips), construction, environmental health, leisure and the emergency services.

Educational Visits Co-ordinators Training and Revalidation

Price : £185.00

Duration : 6.5 hours

Course Overview

It is regarded as best practice that all educational institutions have the minimum of one Educational visits Coordinator (EVC), and a requirement if working under the Telford and Wrekin Educational Visits Service Level Agreement. The EVC should ensure that all visits meet the employers and establishment’s policies, procedures and requirements and be focal point for planning and monitoring of visits and outdoor learning. The EVC is required to attend an EVC training course every 3 years as a minimum to ensure currency and competence. The courses are led by the Telford & Wrekin Accredited Outdoor Education Advisor. This course which is nationally accredited by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel comprises: Introduction and overview, participant needs and priorities; benefits and barriers to educational visits; Legal expectations; planning, leading and evaluating visits and outdoor learning, including, event specific planning; emergency planning; accident and incident reporting; monitoring; record keeping and visit evaluation. There is no charge for this course if your school/organisation has an Educational Visits Service Level Agreement with Telford & Wrekin Council.

Course Pre Requisites

**Fee for course is for those schools outside of the SLA**

Who Is This Course For

Newly appointed Educational Visit Coordinators or EVCs who are seeking a revalidation or refresher training.

Educational Visits Leader Training - Theory only

Price : £88.00

Duration : Theory only (3 hours)

Course Overview

The Educational Visits Leader Theory course is classroom based and includes interactive activities and discussion. The course which is nationally accredited by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel comprises: 1. Benefits and perceived barriers: of educational visits and how to maximise learning opportunities. 2. Legal expectations: Employer’s visit policy / procedures as required by their Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC). Definition of negligence vs. accident and current FAQs relating to legal issues and visits. 3. Planning, leading and evaluating. Documenting proportional risk management that meet employer requirements and highlight practical methods to manage risk. Post visit evaluation to inform future visit planning. There is a discount rate if your school/organisation has an Educational Visits Service Level Agreement with Telford & Wrekin Council.

Course Pre Requisites

**Fee is for schools outside of the SLA**

Who Is This Course For

The Educational Visit Leader training is for any member of staff who is taking key responsibility for organising and taking children and young people out of school on visits and trips. Strongly recommended training as preparation for planning and leading a visit.

Educational Visits Leader Training - Theory and Practical

Price : £165.00

Duration : Theory and practical full course (6 ½ hours)

Course Overview

The Educational Visits Leader theory and practical course is a combination of classroom based learning and uses a range of outdoor settings that will be typically found on educational visits. The course which nationally accredited by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel comprises: 1. Benefits and perceived barriers: of educational visits and how to maximise learning opportunities. 2. Legal expectations: Employer’s visit policy / procedures as required by their Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC). Definition of negligence vs. accident and current FAQs relating to legal issues and visits. 3. Planning, leading and evaluating: Documenting proportional risk management that meet employer requirements and highlight practical methods to manage risk. Post visit evaluation to inform future visit planning. 4. Practical session: Generic group management strategies including risk-benefit assessment. Management of groups in car parks and road crossings, picnic sites, when moving on foot including way finding and near water. There is a discount rate if your school/organisation has an Educational Visits Service Level Agreement with Telford & Wrekin Council.

Course Pre Requisites

**Fees are for schools outside of the SLA**

Who Is This Course For

The Educational Visit Leader training is for any member of staff who is taking key responsibility for organising and taking children and young people out of school on visits and trips. Strongly recommended training as preparation for planning and leading a visit.

Emergency Outdoor First Aid (Arthog Outreach, Telford)

Price : £150.00

Duration : 2 days

Course Overview

This triple certified first aid course which is accredited by Rescue and Emergency Care has an emphasis on the outdoors but is suitable for all settings, at work and with young people. On successful completion candidates will receive, Emergency Outdoor First Aid, Emergency First Aid at Work and 12 hour Paediatric First Aid. This will meet your organisations statutory requirements, minimising costs and time, whilst maximising best value. Teaching will be through demonstrations, discussions and lots of practice, including mock scenarios, please come prepared to take an active part. Assessment is achieved by continuous assessment throughout the course and a short multi-choice question paper.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone who might be in the outdoors and away from normal emergency response times. As the course is run over 16 hours it satisfies the first aid requirements of many outdoor leadership awards, including those of Mountain Training and British Canoeing. It is an ideal course for Educational Visit Leaders.

Emergency Outdoor First Aid (Arthog Outdoor Education Centre, Wales) - Non Residential

Price : £120.00

Duration : 2 days

Course Overview

This first aid course which is accredited by Immediate Temporary Care has an emphasis on outdoor and remote settings. The course will be as hands-on and practical as possible, with medical jargon and knowledge kept to the minimum. Just enough to give any casualties the best treatment that you can in the situation. Teaching will be through demonstrations, presentations, discussions and lots of practice, including mock scenarios. Please come prepared to take an active part. Assessment is achieved by continuous assessment throughout the course and a short multi-choice question papers

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone who might be in the outdoors and away from normal emergency response times. As the course is run over 16 hours it satisfies the first aid requirements of many outdoor leadership awards, including those of Mountain Training and British Canoeing. It is an ideal course for Educational Visit Leaders.

Emergency Outdoor First Aid (Arthog Outdoor Education Centre, Wales) - Residential

Price : £160.00

Duration : 2 days

Course Overview

This first aid course which is accredited by Immediate Temporary Care has an emphasis on outdoor and remote settings. The course will be as hands-on and practical as possible, with medical jargon and knowledge kept to the minimum. Just enough to give any casualties the best treatment that you can in the situation. Teaching will be through demonstrations, presentations, discussions and lots of practice, including mock scenarios. Please come prepared to take an active part. Assessment is achieved by continuous assessment throughout the course and a short multi-choice question paper.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone who might be in the outdoors and away from normal emergency response times. As the course is run over 16 hours it satisfies the first aid requirements of many outdoor leadership awards, including those of Mountain Training and British Canoeing. It is an ideal course for Educational Visit Leaders.

Lowland Leader Award Training

Price : £130.00

Duration : 2 days training followed by a log book consolidation period

Course Overview

The Lowland Leader Award which is accredited by Mountain Training, trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead others on walks in lowland countryside and woodland that fit ALL of the following criteria: • Walks must not cross any hazardous terrain (e.g. cliffs, very steep slopes, water hazards etc.). • Throughout the walk the group should never generally be more than 3km away from a key access point such as a car park, lay-by or populated area. Any potential escape routes should also lie within the scope of the defined terrain for the Lowland Leader award. • Walks will require the ability to plan routes, use simple navigation skills using a map and compass and be self-sufficient. • Walks must follow paths or tracks that are both marked on a map and clearly visible on the ground and that do not require navigation across untracked areas. • Walks must use bridges or other recognised water crossing points. • Walks must only take place in summer conditions (i.e. when there is no unavoidable snow or ice on any part of the route).

Course Pre Requisites

• You must be registered on the scheme with Mountain Training Association • You must have recorded a minimum of 10 varied walks in Lowland terrain where the use of a map is required (ideally these will be recorded on DLOG) which can have taken place at any point (pre- or post-registration)

Who Is This Course For

People who wish to lead groups on day walks in lowland countryside and woodland in summer conditions. The majority of the UK and Ireland is made up of this type of terrain so you'll never be short of places to go walking. It is ideal for DofE Expedition Leaders at Bronze and Silver. It is also useful for Educational Visit Leaders who lead their own countryside walks.

Lowland Leader Award Assessment

Price : £130.00

Duration : 2 days assessment

Course Overview

The Lowland Leader Award which is accredited by Mountain Training, trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead others on walks in lowland countryside and woodland that fit ALL of the following criteria: • Walks must not cross any hazardous terrain (e.g. cliffs, very steep slopes, water hazards etc.). • Throughout the walk the group should never generally be more than 3km away from a key access point such as a car park, lay-by or populated area. Any potential escape routes should also lie within the scope of the defined terrain for the Lowland Leader award. • Walks will require the ability to plan routes, use simple navigation skills using a map and compass and be self-sufficient. • Walks must follow paths or tracks that are both marked on a map and clearly visible on the ground and that do not require navigation across untracked areas. • Walks must use bridges or other recognised water crossing points. • Walks must only take place in summer conditions (i.e. when there is no unavoidable snow or ice on any part of the route).

Course Pre Requisites

• You must have attended a Lowland Leader training course (or have been granted exemption) • You must be familiar with the syllabus • You must have logged a minimum of 20 walks in lowland countryside in different types of terrain (woodland, coastal, farmland etc) • You must hold a current first aid certificate, minimum 16 hours and relevant to your work as a Lowland Leader

Who Is This Course For

People who wish to lead groups on day walks in lowland countryside and woodland in summer conditions. The majority of the UK and Ireland is made up of this type of terrain so you'll never be short of places to go walking. It is ideal for DofE Expedition Leaders at Bronze and Silver. It is also useful for Educational Visit Leaders who lead their own countryside walks.

Mountain Leader (Summer) Award - Residential Option

Price : £380.00

Duration : 5 days training followed by a log book consolidation period

Course Overview

The Mountain Leader scheme which is accredited by Mountain Training offers the opportunity to gain technical competence in leading walkers in the hills and mountains. It is the combination of technical skills, wide experience and personal leadership qualities, which form the basis for effective group management, and the scheme assesses all these aspects. Whilst fostering a love of the hills in others, group leaders should show appreciation of the needs of hill users, rural communities and upland habitats and encourage an understanding of the problems of mountain conservation and access. Consideration of these aspects is vital if the mountain environment is to be protected. The term 'summer' is used to describe any conditions not covered by Winter. Winter can be defined as the time when snow and ice prevail or are forecast. Neither term can be defined by a portion of the year.

Course Pre Requisites

• You must be at least 18 years old • You should have at least a year’s worth of experience of mountain walking • You should have an interest in leading groups in the mountains • You must be a member of a mountaineering council: BMC, Mountaineering Scotland or Mountaineering Ireland (you can join one when you register if you're not already a member)

Who Is This Course For

The Mountain Leader scheme is designed for people who want to lead groups in the mountains, hills and moorlands of the UK and Ireland. If you love being out in the mountains and want to share your enthusiasm with others, become a Mountain Leader and you’ll never look back (unless you’re checking your group’s still there!).

Mountain Leader (Summer) Award Assessment - Residential Option

Price : £365.00

Duration : 5 days assessment

Course Overview

The Mountain Leader scheme which is accredited by Mountain Training offers the opportunity to gain technical competence in leading walkers in the hills and mountains. It is the combination of technical skills, wide experience and personal leadership qualities, which form the basis for effective group management, and the scheme assesses all these aspects. Whilst fostering a love of the hills in others, group leaders should show appreciation of the needs of hill users, rural communities and upland habitats and encourage an understanding of the problems of mountain conservation and access. Consideration of these aspects is vital if the mountain environment is to be protected. The term 'summer' is used to describe any conditions not covered by Winter. Winter can be defined as the time when snow and ice prevail or are forecast. Neither term can be defined by a portion of the year.

Course Pre Requisites

Before you book onto a Mountain Leader assessment, make sure you have done the following: • You must have attended a Mountain Leader training course (or have been granted exemption) • You must be familiar with the syllabus • You must have logged a minimum of 40 Quality Mountain Days in three different regions of the UK and Ireland • You must hold a current first aid certificate, minimum 16 hours and relevant to your work as a Mountain Leader • You must have logged at least 8 nights camping, including at least 4 nights wild camping The Mountain Leader assessment is 5 days long and includes a two night expedition.

Who Is This Course For

The Mountain Leader scheme is designed for people who want to lead groups in the mountains, hills and moorlands of the UK and Ireland. If you love being out in the mountains and want to share your enthusiasm with others, become a Mountain Leader and you’ll never look back (unless you’re checking your group’s still there!).

Enabling Outdoor Learning

Price : £0.00

Duration : Bespoke course developed with the customer - Price on enquiry

Course Overview

Bespoke courses which focus on themes such as environmental discovery, forest schools, bush craft, survival skills and cross-curricular outdoor education activities suitable for your own school site or grounds. The courses will cover educational benefits and planning, the management of safety and risk assessment and evaluation. The delivery style will be through experiential learning so that participants get to have a go themselves and will allow for sharing and discussion. The courses will be led by Arthog staff who are experienced and highly qualified Outdoor Education Professionals with a passion for taking learning into the great outdoors.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Anyone who is leading outdoor learning activities for children and young people who wishes to improve their confidence, competence and broaden their outdoor learning tool kit.

Discover, Inspire, Achieve : Staff Team Development

Price : £0.00

Duration : Bespoke course developed with the customer - Price on enquiry

Course Overview

These bespoke courses take your staff team outdoors and into fun challenging experiences requiring collaboration, communication and perseverance to succeed. The outdoors is also a grand environment for stepping away from the hurley-burley of modern working life, so alternatively activities can be provided that offer opportunities for reflection, give space to breathe gently and a place to simply be. Fun and laughter, thrills and spills, quiet conversation and companionship - we plan the course with you to ensure the activities fulfil your aims and match the level of adventure that suits your staff. The delivery style will be through experiential learning so that participants get to have a go themselves and will allow for sharing and discussion. The courses will be led by Arthog staff who are experienced and highly qualified Outdoor Education Professionals with a passion for taking learning into the great outdoors.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

Teams that would benefit from an alternative to their normal working routines and venues, who may value getting to know each other and working together in new ways.

Emergency First Aid and Emergency First Aid Requalification

Price : £60.00

Duration : 1 day (6 hours)

Course Overview

This one day course covers a range of CPR and First Aid skills and the training enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. This course will provide the learner a nationally recognised Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

This course is ideal for low hazard environments (e.g. offices, shops, libraries) or where your needs assessment identifies a requirement for a first aider trained in emergency first aid at work. If your needs assessment identifies additional hazards or risks or staff with a medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or a heart condition we recommend the first aid at work course as this covers a broader syllabus including the recognition and treatment of a wider range of conditions.

John Muir Award Training

Price : £40.00

Duration : 1 Day

Course Overview

John Muir Award Tailored Training is offered in addition to information and resources which are designed to give enough guidance to deliver the John Muir Award. Attending training is not a requirement to be able to run the John Muir Award, however Training courses are available to help leaders to find out more about the ethos of the John Muir Award and practicalities of delivering it. They offer a complementary, thorough introduction, with opportunities to network with others interested in running the Award, and to further develop skills and confidence. No previous experience is necessary.

Course Pre Requisites


Who Is This Course For

• Find out about the John Muir Award: who, what, why, where, how… • Explore criteria for gaining a John Muir Award • Review existing Award experiences • Participate in a range of outdoor/environmental activities • Share experiences in context of Four Challenges

Arthog Outreach Children’s Climbing Club

Price : £30.00

Duration : 5 sessions

Course Overview

Supported by The Georgia Williams Trust. Building on the success and popularity of previous years, we are re-commencing our Climbing club at Arthog Outreach, Short Wood Centre Limekiln Lane, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2JA.

Course Pre Requisites

NICAS enables individuals to develop safe practice with the reassurance of a national Standardised quality assured scheme and develops competence and confidence.

Who Is This Course For

The sessions are suitable for participants in the 10 to 16 years age group and all levels of experience. Everyone will have the opportunity to just climb or develop their skills and knowledge under the guidance of a qualified and experienced Instructor. There will also be the opportunity to work through the National Indoor Climbing Awards Schemes (NICAS)* Levels 1 and 2.