Full Council
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Date: Thursday 21 January 2016
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6ET View Map
1.0 | Apologies for Absence |
2.0 | Declarations of Interest |
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of that item.
3.0 | Minutes of the Council |
To confirm the minutes of the Council held on 26 November 2015.
Appendix A
Minutes 26 11 15.pdf
4.0 | Leader's Report and Announcements |
(i) The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements. Announcements (ii) Fields in Trust Award - UK’s Best Park The Leader will present Chris Pettman of Friends of Telford Town Park with the Fields in Trust ‘UK’s Best Park’ award. |
5.0 | Mayor's Announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 26 November 2015.
Appendix B
Mayoral Engagements.pdf
6.0 | Public Questions |
To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members. None received. |
7.0 | Cabinet Decisions made since the last meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
Appendix C
Report of Cabinet.pdf
8.0 | Recommendations from Cabinet |
Cabinet – 10 December 2015 & 7 January 2016 (i) Financial Management 2015/16 Recommended – (i) the changes to the capital programme in section 1 above and Appendix 1; and (ii) In accordance with the Service & Financial Planning Strategy presented to Cabinet on 7 January 2016 authority to approve transitional funding from the Invest to Save fund to support the delivery of ongoing savings from alternative service delivery models and arrangements with other organisations is delegated to the Managing Director after consultation with the Cabinet Member: Council Finance & Service Delivery; and (iii) In order to support the delivery of further ongoing savings the transfer of £3m from the projected 2015/16 underspend, which largely arises from debt rescheduling, to the Invest to Save/Capacity Fund and the transfer of £3m to the Severance Fund. Cabinet – 7 January 2016 (iii) Council Tax Support Scheme 2016/17 Recommended - (i) That Council approve the Council Tax Support Scheme Policy for 2016/17 as shown at Appendix A. (ii) That Council approve that the Council Tax Hardship Policy and fund of £30,000 continues in 2016/17. (iv) Telford & Wrekin Local Plan Recommended - (i) That Council approve the Publication Version of the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan and the Policies Map (in Appendices 1 and 2) and that it be published and submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. (ii) That Council authorise the Assistant Director: Planning Specialist (or any officer authorised by this Assistant Director) to exercise all the Council’s powers relating to the processing of the Local Plan through to adoption including all the powers under the 2012 Regulations and the 2004 Act relating to the preparation and submission of documents and information to the Secretary of State, the independent examination and further publication up to adoption; (iii) That Council authorise the Assistant Director: Planning Specialist (or any officer authorised by this Assistant Director), during the period between publication/submission and the end of the independent examination, to recommend to the planning inspector conducting the independent examination any changes to the Publication Version of the Local Plan or the Policies Map which the Assistant Director: Planning Specialist (or any officer authorised by this Assistant Director) considers appropriate in response to representations which may be received or changes in circumstances which may occur during this period.
9.0 | Setting of the Council Tax Base 2016/17 |
To receive the report of the Assistant Director: Finance, Audit & Information Governance and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Appendix G
Council Tax Base Report 2016 17.pdf
10.0 | Minutes of Boards & Committees |
Boundary Review Committee – 30 November 2015
Health & Wellbeing Board – 9 September 2015 Licensing Committee – 14 October 2015 Planning Committee – 18 November and 16 December 2015
Appendix I
HWB Board Minutes 09 09 15.pdf
Appendix J
Licensing Committee Minutes 14 10 15.pdf
11.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 7. NB In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 7.4 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers. Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days. |
12.0 | Notices of Motion |
(i) Councillor R T Kiernan will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8, the following Motion Councillor E J Carter will second the motion. “This Council welcomes the future abolition of the uniform national business rate and the ability for Telford & Wrekin Council to retain all locally collected business Rates to the benefit of local business and the local community” Councillor S Bentley will second the motion. |