Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 03 March 2016

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6ET   View Map

 Agenda    Agenda.pdf 
 Minutes    Minutes 3 March 2016.pdf 
1.0 Apologies for Absence
2.0 Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of that item.
3.0 Minutes of the Council
To confirm the minutes of the Council held on 21 January 2016
4.0 Leader's Report & Announcement
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.
5.0 Mayoral Announcements
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 21 January 2016.
6.0 Public Questions

To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of The Leader and Cabinet Members.

None Received

7.0 Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only.  Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 Recommendations from Cabinet

Cabinet – 25 February 2016

(i) Telford Land Deal

Recommended –

a) That Council delegates authority to the Assistant Director: Business, Development & Employment, in consultation with the Assistant Director: Finance & Human Resources and the Cabinet Members for Finance & Service Delivery and Business, Neighbourhood & Customer Services, to finalise the terms for the Land Deal;

b)  That Council delegates authority to the Assistant Director: Business, Development & Employment, in consultation with the Assistant Director: Finance & Human Resources and the Cabinet Member for Finance & Service Delivery, to enter into an agreement for the transfer of HCA liability sites to the Council’s ownership where costs are within the changes to the capital programme and revenue budget sought by this Report, this includes £18k towards revenue costs of managing liability sites;

c) That Council enters into the Land Deal and all the implications of this including the approval of necessary changes to the capital programme and revenue budget to facilitate the Land Deal as outlined in this report;

d) That Council delegates authority to the Assistant Director: Legal, Procurement & Commissioning to seal or sign any documents required to give effect to the recommendations contained in this report.

e) That Full Council notes that TWC will be represented on the Telford Land Deal Board by the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Business, Neighbourhood & Customer Services.

9.0 Service & Financial Planning 2016/17 - 2017/18

To consider the reports listed below which are contained within the separate Budget document enclosed with the agenda. Reports E1 to E4 will be considered by Cabinet on 25 February 2016 for recommendation to Council for approval.

a) Overview & Revenue Budget (E1)

b) Capital Programme (E2)

c) 2016/17 Treasury Strategy & Treasury Update (E3)

d) Prudential Indicators (E4)

e) Council Tax Formal Resolution for 2016/17 (E5)

Alternative budget proposals have been submitted to Council by the Conservative Group. A copy of the proposals, and the comments of the Finance & Enterprise Scrutiny Committee and the Chief Financial Officer, is enclosed separately to the agenda (to follow with the other budget papers). At the meeting, the alternative budget proposals will be moved as an amendment to the Cabinet’s proposals.

Appendix E1 Service & Financial Planning 2016/17 to 2018/19
 Service and Financial Planning 2016-17 to 2018-19.pdf   Appendix 1 - Heatmap of funding reductions.pdf   Appendix 2 - Savings and Pressures .pdf   Appendix 3A - Equalities impact assessment .pdf   Appendix 3B - Savings proposals relevant to Equality Duty.pdf   Appendix 4 Env & Economic Impact Assessments of Savings.pdf   Appendix 5 Pay Policy Statement .pdf   Appendix 6 & 7 Council Tax Comparisons.pdf   Appendix 8A & 8B - Council Tax Increases Graphs .pdf   Appendix 9 - Financing Costs to Net Revenue Stream.pdf   Appendix 10 Base Budget.pdf   Appendix 11 - Analysis of Base Budget Movements.pdf   Appendix 12 - Reserves Balances.pdf   Appendix 13 - Education Contributions .pdf   Appendix 14 - CFO Robustness Report.pdf   Appendix 15 - Scrutiny response to budget proposals - Copy.pdf   Appendix 16 Communication and Consultation Activities - Copy.pdf   Appendix 17 - Results from consultation.docx - Copy.pdf   Appendix 18 - Efficiency Strategy & Plan - Copy.pdf 
Appendix E3 Treasury Management Report
 Treasury Management Report.pdf 
Appendix E4 Prudential Indicators
 Prudential Indicators 2016-17 report .pdf 
Appendix E5 Countil Tax Formal Resolutions for 2016/17
 Council Tax Resolution Report.pdf   Council Tax Setting Apendices.pdf 
10.0 Minutes of Boards & Committees

To note the following resolved and draft Minutes:
Audit Committee – 26 January 2016
Finance & Enterprise Scrutiny Committee - 6,13 & 19 January 2016 
Licensing Committee – 9 December 2015
Personnel Committee – 7 January 2016 & 11 February 2016
Planning Committee – 13 January and 3 February  2016

(NB: the recommendation at minute PEB-9  will be dealt with at agenda item 9 above)

11.0 Questions

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 7.

NB In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 7.4 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.

12.0 Notices of Motion
None received.