Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 07 October 2010

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Prayers
2.0 Minutes of the Council
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Borough Counci held on 24 June 2010
3.0 Apologies for Absence
4.0 Declarations of Interest
5.0 Announcements
(a)To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 24 June 2010 (b)Awards (i)Midlands Apprenticeship Awards 2010 to be presented to Andy Farrell, NEETS Co-ordinator (ii)Good Egg Award to be presented to Lorna Hicks, Senior Clusters Facilities Manager
6.0 Report of Leader
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decisions.
7.0 Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 24 June 2010. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 Annual Scrutiny Report 2009/10
To consider the attached Scrutiny Annual Report to be presented by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Assembly.
Appendix D - To Follow
9.0 Audit Committee Annual Report 2009/10
To consider the Annual Audit Report to be presented by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
10.0 Members' Allowances Scheme
To receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel and to consider the report of the Chief Executive
11.0 Recommendations from Boards & Committees
The minutes of the meeting of the Council Constitution Committee held on 14 September 2010 contain the following recommendations at Minute No. CCC-15. A copy of the report of the Head of Governance is attached as Appendix G. RESOLVED - THAT COUNCIL BE RECOMMENDED TO APPROVE; (a)That the Leader and Cabinet models be the preferred option for Executive Arrangements; (b)That further consultation, as set out in Appendix 1, take place on the preferred option. (ii)The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 8 September 2010 contain the following recommendations at Minutes No. LC-22. A copy of the report of the Service Delivery Manager - Public Protection is attached at Appendix H (a)that Full Council is recommended to adopt the amendments made by Section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 to Schedule 3 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisins) Act 1982 to come into effecty on 1st January, 2011 throughout the whole of administrative area of the Borough of Telford and Wrekin; and (b)that Full Council agrees to delegate the responsibilities as indicated in (a) above to the Licensing Committee under Section 101 of the Local Govenment Act 1972.
12.0 Minutes of Boards and Committees
To note the following resolved Minutes: Plans Board 2 & 23 June, 14 July and 25 August 2010 Council Constitution Committee 14 September 2010 Licensing Committee 16 & 30 June and 2& 8 September 2010 Audit Committee 28 June & 27July 2010 Interim Scrutiny Committee 1 & 16 June 2010 Standards Board 17 June 2010
13.0 Questions
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10.
14.0 Notices of Motions
(a)Councillor R.K. Austin will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: NOTICES OF MOTION Councillor R.K. Austin will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: “This Council is committed to ensuring that all of our residents who are eligible to vote are registered to vote. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and complete – helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process. This Council believes that the Council should take every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in the Borough of Telford & Wrekin is as complete and accurate as possible so as to provide a proper basis for any revision to electoral boundaries in the Telford & Wrekin area. In addition, this Council notes that the Electoral Commission currently believe that approximately 3.5 million people are missing from the register in England and Wales alone and that this trend is especially stark among many specific social groups. This Council, therefore, directs: (i) (ii) Councillor R.K.Austin will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: "This Council is committed to ensuring that all of our residents who are eligible to vote are registered to vote. The electoral register is the foundation stone of our democracy and we have a duty to ensure that it is both accurate and completed - helping to empower citizens and increase public engagement in the democratic process. This Council believes that the Council should take every effort to ensure that the 2010 electoral register in the Borough of Telford Wrekin is as complete and accurate as possible so as to provide a proper basis for any revision to electoral boundaries in the Telford & Wrekin area. In addition, this Council notes that the Electoral Commission currently believe that approximately 3.5 million people are missing from the register in England and Wales alone and that this trend is especially stark among many specific social groups. This Council, therefore, directs: (i)The Electoral Registration Officer and his/her staff to conduct door-to-door inquiries at all households where non-one responds to a letter requiring registration with at least two calls on non-responding households; (ii)That an effective advertising campaign is launched now to encourage people to register, targeted at social groups among who under-registration is known to be a problem and targeted at residents in those neighbourhoods where the electoral register is believed to have the lowest level of completeness; (iii)The Chief Executive to ensure a joined-up approach across all parts of the Council to encourage residents to register to vote; (iv) The Electoral Registration Officer and his/her staff to conduct door-to-door inquiries at all households where no-one responds to a letter requiring registration with at least two calls on non-responding households; That an effective advertising campaign is launched now to encourage people to register, targeted at social groups among whom under-registration is known to be a problem and targeted at residents in those neighbourhoods where the electoral register is believed to have the lowest level of completeness; The Chief Executive to ensure a joined-up approach across all parts of the Council to encourage residents to register to vote; The Electoral Registration Officer to ensure that, in the absence of any evidence that a particular household is empty or that the electors have moved or died, that the names in all such non-responding households should be carried over. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor C.F. Smith. Councillor A.A. McClements will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: This Council notes: (i) That the increase in VAT from 17.5% to 20% announced in the Government’s June Budget will fall hardest on those lease able to afford it; (ii) That the increase in VAT will lead to higher prices for goods and services; will have a disproportionate impact on pensioners and other low income groups; and will have a severe impact on businesses, charities and community groups in the Borough of Telford & Wrekin; (iii) That the effect of the increase in VAT, when taken with other measures in the Budget, will be unfair to pensioners who have not had a compensatory increase in other benefits and allowances; (iv) That the way the VAT increase will affect pensioners and other low income groups runs counter to the Government’s Coalition Agreement statement on 20th May, 2010 that it would “ensure that fairness is at the heart of those decisions so that those most in need are protected”; (e) (v) That the Institute of Fiscal Studies has stated the VAT increase was not “unavoidable” as the Chancellor of the Exchequer said in his Budget speech; Council resolves: (i) To write directly to the Chancellor of the Exchequer raising concerns about the proposed VAT increase on pensioners, other vulnerable groups, and businesses in the Borough of Telford & Wrekin; (ii) To call on the Members of Parliament representing Telford & Wrekin to stand up for Telford & Wrekin pensioners, businesses and wider community, to voice their opposition to this unfair increase in VAT and to vote against in Parliament. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor E.A. Clare