Councillors and Decision Making


Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee


Date: Monday 24 January 2011

Time: 4:30 PM

Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee meeting held on the 13th September 2010 (Appendix A) and to receive the notes of the meetings of the Working Group held on 1st November (Appendix B) and the 13th December 2010 (Appendix C).
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest and Party Whip
4.0 Service & Financial Planning Strategy 2011/12-2013/14 - Children & Young People
(i) To consider the Cabinet's budget proposals in relation to the Council priority for Children & Young People. (ii) To consider the questions raised by the Scrutiny Committee Members at the Training Session on the 4th January 2011 (as attached at Appendix D) and to consider any other questions that may arise. The Cabinet Members for Children & young People will be attending the meeting to discuss the proposals and answer questions. (iii) To agree comments on the budget proposalsrelating to Children & Young People. The comments will be referred to the Community Focussed Efficient Council Scrutiny Committee for consideration as part of the overall scrutiny response to the budget proposals. Members have received (or will be receiving) a copy of the Cabinet budget proposals report, and are asked to bring this document with them to the meeting. The report is available from the Councils Website.