Councillors and Decision Making



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Date: Thursday 23 February 2012

Time: 5:00 PM

Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 26th January 2012
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Declarations of Interest
4.0 Financial Monitoring 2011/12
5.0 Service & Financial Planning 2012/13-2014/15
Appendix 1 - Base Budget Summary
 Appendix 1 - Base Budget Summary.pdf 
Appendix 2 - Base Movements
 Appendix 2 - Base Movements.pdf 
Appendix 3 - Summary of Savings Targets
 Appendix 3 - Summary of Savings Targets.pdf 
Appendix 4 - Restructure Savings
 APPENDIX 4 restructure savings.pdf 
Appendix 7 - Reserves and Balances Position
 APPENDIX 7 - Reservesbals.pdf 
Appendix 8 - Robustness
 APPENDIX 8 - Robustness.pdf 
Appendix 9 - Scrutiny Response to budget proposals
 Appendix 9 - Scrutiny Response to budget proposals.pdf 
Appendix 10 - Council Tax Graphs 2012-13
 APPENDIX 10 - Council Tax Graphs 201213 2 5%.pdf 
Appendix 11 - Consultation Summary
 Appendix 11 - consultation summary.pdf 
Appendix 12a - Equalities Impact Assessment
 Appendix 12 (a) - Equalities Impact Assessment.pdf 
Appendix 12 - Service and Financial Planning Impact Assessment
 Appendix 12 - Service and Financial Planning Impact Assessment.pdf 
Appendix 12b - Environmental Impact Assessment
 Appendix 12 b - Environmental Impact Assessment.pdf 
Appendix 12c - Economic Impact Assessment
 Appendix 12 c - Economic Impact Assessment.pdf 
Appendix C1 Overview and Revenue Budget
 overview and main revenue budget report.pdf 
Appendix C2 - Capital Programme
 Capital Strategy report and Annex II.pdf 
Annex 1 - Capital Programme 2012-13 Bade Budget
 Capital Programme 201213 Base Budget Annex 1.pdf 
Annex 2 - Capital Strategy Report
 Capital Strategy report and Annex II.pdf 
Annex 3 - Capital Programme - Asset Management Plan
 Capital Progarmme Annex III - Asset Management Plan.pdf 
Annex 4 - Capital Programme - Highways Transport Capital Investment Programme 2012-2014
 Capital Programme - B4 Annex IV Highways Transport Capital Investment Programme 2012 - 2014.pdf 
Appendix C3 - 2012/13 Treasury Strategy & Treasury Update
 TMSTRATEGY 2012 13 Report Cabinet.pdf 
Appendix C4 - Prudential Indicators
 B3 Pru Code Report for 201213.pdf 
6.0 6 Month Performance Report
7.0 Family and Friends Policy
8.0 Waste Management Procurement Options Appraisal
9.0 Jigsaw School Reconfiguration
10.0 Dawley Town Hall - Investment for Community Use
11.0 A Co-operative Approach to Working in the Community
12.0 Exclusion of Press and Public
It is recommended that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
13.0 Sutton Hill Local Centre - Land Disposal
14.0 Decision Notices/Minutes of 23 February meeting