The council


A welcome video from our chief executive, David Sidaway.


A welcome video from our council leader, Shaun Davies.


As an organisation we are laser-focussed on our vision to “protect, care and invest to create a better borough” and have a robust track record of delivery, including:

  • a recent peer review, described adult social services as “exceptional”
  • Adult Social Care shared lives service judged as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission
  • children’s social services judged as outstanding by OFSTED
  • being an economic powerhouse for the region and our country
  • transformed Telford town centre through our Southwater development with work underway with the next development programme
  • some of the best roads in the country
  • excellent in-house leisure offer, second to none
  • a brilliant cultural and events programme.

Our most recent Local Government Association corporate peer review in 2021, concluded that:

‘The council should be very proud of what it is achieving, with it clearly being very ambitious, top performing in key areas and striving constantly to deliver for local people.’

Our progress is also recognised more widely by the sector. We won the prestigious Municipal Journal Local Authority of the Year award and we were the Association for Public Service Excellence Council of the Year and Co-operative Council of the Year in 2021.

As a Co-operative Council, how we deliver is as important as what we deliver. All that we do as an organisation is underpinned by our co-operative values of openness and honesty; ownership; fairness and respect; and involvement.

We also know that our achievements are founded on our brilliant workforce. They are core to our success as an organisation. They are committed to what we are seeking to achieve with our latest staff survey showing that 93% of employees understand how their role contributes to the council’s priorities.

We have a track record of sound financial management.

Looking forward, we are clear on the future direction for the organisation and the borough. We have a 10-year vision agreed with our strategic partners that sets out our ambitions for the borough and the challenges that we need to tackle to deliver on our own levelling-up agenda. Our focus through this vision is to build a more inclusive borough.

Our 10 year vision