Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 24 June 2010

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Prayers
2.0 Minutes of the Council
To confirm the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Borough Council held on 20th May, 2010
3.0 Apologies for Absence
4.0 Declarations of Interest
5.0 Announcements
(i)To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 29th April, 2010 (ii)Signing of the Children in Care Pledge
6.0 Report of Leader
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decisions.
7.0 Cabinet Decisions made since the last meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 29th April, 2010. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 Financial Management Out-Turn Reports 2009-10
(i)Financial Out-Turn Report 2009/10 (ii)Treasury Management - 2009/10 Out-turn and 2010/11 to date
9.0 New Scrutiny Arrangements/Politcal Balance
To consider the report of the Head of Governance
10.0 Change of Name of Lilleshall & Donningrton Parish Council
At the meeting of the Licensing Commitee held on 15th April, 2010 it was resolved that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Governance to prepare and seal the required Re-organisation Order to effect the change in the current name of Lilleshall & Donnington Parish Council to Lillesahll, Donnington & Muxton Parish Council. In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Licensing Committee, Council is required to ratify this decision. A copy of the report of the Head of Governance is attached for information at Appendix G.
11.0 Recommendations from Boards, Committees & Commissions
The minutes of the meeting of the Council Constitution Committee held on 8th June, 2010 contain the following recommendation at Minute No. CCC-9. A copy of the report of the Head of Governance is attached at Appendix H. Changes to Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules RESOLVED - TO RECOMMEND that Council grants approval of: (a)the changes to Part 4 - Section 6 - Financial Regulations as set out in Annex A of the report; (b)the changes to Part 4 - Section 7 - Contract Procedure Rules as set out in Annex B of the report subject to the addition of the words "and Finance Manager" within the section in relation to the Special Exemptions from the Contract Procedure Rules for contracts between £5000 and £50000 and wirthin the section in relation to Consultants or Specialist Contractors Tendering/Quotation Procedure in connection with the approval of waivers.
12.0 Minutes of Boards and Committees
To note the following resolved Minutes: Plans Board 21st April and 12th May, 2010 Audit Committee 30th March, 2010 Licensing Committee 30th March, 1st April, 15thApril and 5th May, 2010 Standards Board 25th March, 2010
13.0 Questions
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10.
14.0 Notices of Motion
None received