Planning Committee
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Date: Wednesday 01 November 2017
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Shropshire College Hotel School Ltd (The Whitehouse), Watling Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 2NJ Map
Democratic Services:
Jayne Clarke (83205)
Lead Officer:
Katherine Kynaston (84591)
Lead Officer:
Valerie Hulme (84130)
1.0 | Apologies for Absence |
2.0 | Declarations of Interest |
3.0 | Minutes |
Toconfirm the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 11thOctober 2017.
Appendix A
4.0 | Deferred/Withdrawn Applications |
5.0 | Site Visits |
6.0 | Planning Applications for Determination |
Pleasenote that the order in which applications are heard may be changed at themeeting. If Members have queries aboutany of the applications, they are requested to raise them with the relevantPlanning Officer prior to the Committee meeting.
TWC/2017/0232 Site of 68 Wellington Road, Muxton, Telford, Shropshire
Planning Committee.pdf
1 - Location plan and existing block plan.pdf
2 - Proposed block plan.pdf
3 - Proposed Elevations (Plot 1).pdf
4 - Proposed Elevations (Plot 2).pdf
5 - Proposed Floor Plans (Plot 1).pdf
6 - Proposed Floor Plans (Plot 2).pdf
TWC/2017/0367 Units 7 - 9, Gower Street Trading Estate, Gower Street, St Georges, Telford, Shropshire, TF2 9HW
Committee Report.pdf
1 - Location Plan.pdf
2 - Indicative site plan.pdf
TWC/2017/0514 Land junction of, Alexandra Road/Haygate Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire
Committee Report.pdf
1 - Location plan.pdf
2 - Proposed Site Layout.pdf
3 - Proposed site layout (Affordable Housing).pdf
4 - Proposed Elevations and Floor Plan (Type A).pdf
5 - Proposed Elevations and Floor Plans (Type B).pdf
6 - Proposed Elevations (Apartments).pdf
7 - Proposed Floor Plans (Apartments).pdf
8 - Street Scene - Alexandra Road.pdf
TWC/2017/0744 Land between Hayes Meadow and Uppatree, 33 Horton Lane, Horton, Telford, Shropshire
Committee Report.pdf
1 - Location Plan.pdf
2 - Block Plan.pdf
3 - Indicative Layout.pdf
W2005/1473 Orleton Park & Former Orleton Lane Infant & Nursery School, Orleton Lane, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire
Committee Report.pdf
1 - Location Plan.pdf
2 - Approved Reserved Matters Layout.pdf
W2006/0608 Land off, Church Walk, Donnington, Telford, Shropshire
Committee Report.pdf
1 - Location plan.pdf
2 - Block plan.pdf
3 - Proposed Elevations.pdf
4 - Soft landscape proposals.pdf
Completion certificate.pdf