Full Council
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Date: Thursday 03 March 2011
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD
1.0 | Prayers |
2.0 | Minutes of the Council |
To confirm the minutes of the Borough Council held on 27th January, 2011
3.0 | Apologies for Absence |
4.0 | Declarations of Interest |
5.0 | Announcements |
(i)To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 27th January, 2011
6.0 | Report of Leader |
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decisions
7.0 | Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council |
To receive the report of the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Counci on 27th January, 2011. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Members for the purposes of clarification ony. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 | Recommendation from Cabinet - 22 February 2011 |
Central Telford Area Action Plan - Resolved - that Council be recommended to adopt the Central Telford Area Action Plan, as part of the Council's statutory planning framework.
A copy of the Inspector's schedule of changes and a copy of the CTAAP Proposed Amendments Document February 2010 are available in the Members' Library or at hhtp://
9.0 | Service & Financial Planning 2011/12 - 2113/14 |
To consider the reports listed below as contained within the separate Budget document:
(1)Overview and Revenue Budget
(ii)Capital Programme
(iii)2011/12 Treasury Strategy & Update
(iv)Prudential Indicators
(v)Council Tax - Formal Resolution for 2011/12
Appendices E1-E5
Copy of Appendix 1 - programme Area Summary.xls
Appendix 2 - Base Budget Movements.xls
Appendix 3 - Summary of staffing and non-staffing Savings Targets.xls
Appendix 4a - non-staff savings.xls
Appendix 4b - staff saving phasing.xls
Appendix 4c - non staff savings.xls
Appendix 5a - Reserves Balances.xls
Appendix 5 b - balances policy and CFO.doc
Microsoft Word - Appendix 5 b - balances policy and CFO.pdf
Appendix 5 b - balances policy and CFO (2).doc
Microsoft Word - Appendix 5 b - balances policy and CFO _2_.pdf
Appendix 6A - Scrutiny Respnse to Budget Consultation.doc
Microsoft Word - Appendix 6A - Scrutiny Respnse to Budget Consultation.pdf
Appendix 6 (b) Budget consultation responses.doc
Microsoft Word - Appendix 6 _b_ Budget consultation responses.pdf
Appendix 7 Council Tax Midlands Graph.xls
Appendix 8 - EIA updated.doc
Microsoft Word - Appendix 8 - EIA updated.pdf
Capital Strategy 11-12.doc
Microsoft Word - Capital Strategy 11-12.pdf
Capital Programme 201112 Report.xls
Annex IV ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 2011 Cabinet 220211.doc
Microsoft Word - Annex IV ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 2011 Cabinet 220211.pdf
TsyMgementSTRATEGY201112 Cabinet 220211.DOC
Microsoft Word - TsyMgementSTRATEGY201112 Cabinet 220211.pdf
Pru Code- Report for 2011-12 Cabinet 220211.doc
Microsoft Word - Pru Code- Report for 2011-12 Cabinet 220211.pdf
Council Tax Resolution report.doc
Microsoft Word - Council Tax Resolution report.pdf
Copy of Appendix 1 - programme Area Summary.xls
10.0 | Recommendations from Boards and Committees |
The minutes of the meeting of the Council Constitution Committee held on 22 February 2011 contain the following recommendations at Minute No. CCC-23. A copy of the report of the Head of Governance is set out in Appendix F.
RESOLVED – that Full Council be recommended to approve:
(a) the changes to the Constitution in respect of Governance and the delegation of powers, as set out in Annex A of the report, to come into force on 8 May, 2011;
(b) the additional Terms of Reference of the Personnel Board, as set out in Annex B of the report, for implementation with immediate effect;
(c) the changes to Part 4 – Section 6 – Financial Regulations of the Constitution, as set out in Annexes C1 and C2, of the report;
(d) that paragraph 7.05 of Article 7 of the Constitution (The Leader and Cabinet) be amended to state that the Leader will provide the Council with details of the allocation of responsibility for functions referred to in that section and keep the Council informed of any amendments made to them;
(e) that paragraph 7.05 of Article 7 of the Constitution (The Leader and Cabinet) be amended to insert the word ‘Council’ after the word ‘Annual’;
(f) that the Head of Governance, following consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, be authorised to make any minor administrative changes to the Constitution arising from the above.
Appendix F
Annex A Constitution.docx
Microsoft Word - Annex A Constitution.pdf
Annex B Personnel Board.docx
Microsoft Word - Annex B Personnel Board.pdf
AnnexC1 Tracked Changes version.doc
Microsoft Word - AnnexC2 final version.pdf
Microsoft Word - AnnexC1 Tracked Changes version.pdf
AnnexC2 final version.doc
Microsoft Word - AnnexC2 final version.pdf
Update to Constitution.doc
Microsoft Word - Update to Constitution.pdf
11.0 | Minutes of Boards and Committees |
To note the following resolved Minutes:
Plans Board 19 & 26 January 2011
Licensing Committee 19 January 2011
Audit Committee 21 September & 2 November 2010 and 1 February 2011
Appendices G1&2, H, I1&2,J1&2,K,L,M,N. O
Microsoft Word - FinalMinutes190111.pdf
Microsoft Word - Finalminutes260111.pdf
Licsmin 190111.doc
Microsoft Word - Licsmin 190111.pdf
Audit cttee mins 210910 (version for Council).doc
Microsoft Word - Audit cttee mins 210910 _version for Council_.pdf
Audit cttee mins 021110 final.doc
Microsoft Word - Audit cttee mins 021110 final.pdf
Audit cttee mins 010211.doc
Microsoft Word - Audit cttee mins 010211.pdf
CFEC SC 12 01 11 minutes FINAL.docx
Microsoft Word - CFEC SC 12 01 11 minutes FINAL.pdf
CFEC SC 31 01 11 minutes final.docx
Microsoft Word - CFEC SC 31 01 11 minutes final.pdf
ACSSC 130111 minutes final.doc
Microsoft Word - ACSSC 130111 minutes final.pdf
180111 minutes final.doc
Microsoft Word - 180111 minutes final.pdf
CP&C Scrutiny cttee mins 200111.doc
Microsoft Word - CP&C Scrutiny cttee mins 200111.pdf
CYP Scrutiny cttee mins 240111.doc
Microsoft Word - CYP Scrutiny cttee mins 240111.pdf
ERA SC 25Jan11 minutes.doc
Microsoft Word - ERA SC 25Jan11 minutes.pdf
12.0 | Questions |
To answer questions under Council Procedure Rule 10.
13.0 | Notices of Motion |
Councillor A.J. Eade will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion:
Subject to guarantees on safety and sustainability given by the Chief Executives of both the Shropshire and Telford PCTs, the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons, “Telford & Wrekin Council supports the proposals set out in the Public Consultation Document, “Keeping hospital services in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin”. This will reconfigure services so that the two acute hospitals will continue to operate on existing sites in both Telford and Shrewsbury, providing safe, high quality care, each with 24 hour accident & emergency cover and an equitable division of other services on both sites.
The Motion will be seconded by Councillor J.M. Seymour
Councillor A.G.P. Williams will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion:
In the light of the significant financial challenges facing this Council and its staff I note with interest that, during 2010/11, it will cost this Council nearly £53k in contributions to support Borough Councillors' membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme. I call on this Council to convene an Independent Remuneration Panel to review the Members’ Allowances Scheme with a particular focus on Members’ access to the Local Government Pension Scheme.
The Motion will be seconded by Councillor V. Tonks