Full Council
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Date: Thursday 25 November 2010
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Reception Suite, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD
1.0 | Prayers |
2.0 | Minutes of the Council |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Borough Council held on 7 October, 2010
3.0 | Apologies for Absence |
4.0 | Declarations of Interest |
5.0 | Announcements |
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 7 October, 2010
6.0 | Report of Leader |
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decisions.
7.0 | Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 7 October, 2010. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 | Recommendations from Cabinet 9 November, 2010 |
2010/11 Financial Monitoring
RECOMMENDED - Members are asked to approve the changes to the capital programme shown in section 1 of the report.
9.0 | Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003 |
To consider the report of the Service Delivery Manager - Public Protection.
Appendix E
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010.doc
Microsoft Word - Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010.pdf
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix A.doc
Licensing Act 2002 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix A doc.pdf
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix B.doc
Microsoft Word - Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix B.pdf
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix C.doc
Microsoft Word - Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix C.pdf
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix D - part 1.doc
Microsoft Word - Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix D - part 1.pdf
Licensing Act 2003 Report to Committee 131010 - Appendix D - part 2.pdf
10.0 | Recommendations from Boards & Committees |
The minutes of the meeting of the Counil Constitution Committee held on 9 November, 2010 contain the following recommendation at Minute No. CCC-57. A copy of the report of the Head of Governance is attached at Appendix F.
RESOLVED - THAT COUNCIL BE RECOMMENDD TO APPROVE - that the Leader and Cabinet model be formally adopted for the Council's Executive Arrangements with effect from 8 May 2011 following the May 2011 borough elections.
11.0 | Minutes of Boards and Committees |
To note the following resolved Minutes;
Plans Board - 15 September & 6 & 27 October 2010
Licensing Committee - 29 September & 13 october 2010
Standards Board - 16 September 2010
Active Lifestyles, Leisure & Culture Scrutiny Committee - 8 & 27 September 2010
Adult Care & Support Scrutiny Committee - 9 September 2010
Community Focussed & Efficient Council - 9 September 2010
Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee - 13 September 2010
Environment & Rural Area Scrutiny Committtee - 15 September 2010
Housing, Regeneration & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee - 22 September & 4 October 2010
Community Protection & Cohesion Scrutiny Community - 12 October 2010
Appendices G1-23,H1-2, I,J1-2,K, L, M, N, O1-2, & P
Microsoft Word - FinalMinutes150910.pdf
Microsoft Word - PlansBoard061010Finalmins2.pdf
Microsoft Word - MINUTES271010.pdf
Licsmin 290910.doc
Microsoft Word - Licsmin 290910.pdf
Licsmin 131010.doc
Microsoft Word - Licsmin 131010.pdf
160910 minutes final.doc
Microsoft Word - 160910 minutes final.pdf
080910 minutes final.doc
Microsoft Word - 080910 minutes final.pdf
270910 minutes final.doc
Microsoft Word - 270910 minutes final.pdf
ACSSC 090910 minutes.doc
Microsoft Word - ACSSC 090910 minutes.pdf
Microsoft Word - 090910minutesforCouncil.pdf
CYP Scrutiny cttee mins 130910.doc
Microsoft Word - CYP Scrutiny cttee mins 130910.pdf
ERA SC 150910 minutes.doc
Microsoft Word - ERA SC 150910 minutes.pdf
Microsoft Word - 220910finalminutes.pdf
CP&C Scrutiny cttee mins 121010.doc
Microsoft Word - CP&C Scrutiny cttee mins 121010.pdf
12.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10
13.0 | Notice of Motion |
Councillor R.K. Austin will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion:
"This Council recognises, with pride, the tremendous work of our 2,000 plus civilian workforce at Donnington MOD base and the vital contribution that they make to the security of our nation, the support of our tropps and the economic welfare of our local community.
This Council, therefore, notes with concern the contents of the Government Strategic Defence Review which put the jobs of our Donnington MOD workforce under threat.
We are strongly opposed to any move to take work away from MOD Donnington and will support the campaign to secure the jobs of our local workforce. We therefore call on the government to keep this vital defence work in the public sector."
Councillor A.D. McClements will second the Motion