Full Council
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Date: Thursday 29 April 2010
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD
1.0 | Prayers |
2.0 | Minutes of the Council |
To confirm the minutes of the Borough Council held on 4th March, 2010
3.0 | Apologies for Absence |
4.0 | Declarations of Interest |
5.0 | Announcements |
(i)To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 4th March, 2010
(i)Presentation to Andy Simpson, retiring Independent Chairman of the Standards Committee
(ii)Presentation of Training Certificates to Members (as tabled at the meeting)
6.0 | Report of Leader |
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decision.
7.0 | Cab inet Decisions made since the last meeting of the Council |
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 4th March, 2010. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
8.0 | Recommendations from Boards, Committees & Commissions |
The minutes of the meeting of the Council Constitution Committee held on 13th April, 2010 contain the following recommendations at Minute Nos. CCC-14, CCC-15 and CCC-16. Copies of the reports of the Head of Governance, the Scrutiny Manager, and Professor S. Leach’s ‘Review of Scrutiny Arrangements at Telford & Wrekin are attached at Appendices D, E, F, G, & H.
Revision of Council’s Constitution
RESOLVED – to RECOMMEND that Council grants approval of
the changes to Article 12, Section 6 – Financial Regulations, the Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee, the Terms of Reference of the Appeals Committee together with the deletion of Part 7 – Management Structure within the Constitution;
Scheme for Local Petitions
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND the proposed Scheme for Local Petitions, as set out in Annexes A & B of Appendix E, subject to the deletion of the population figure shown on the flow chart.
Scheme for Speaking at Plans Board
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND the proposed Scheme for Public Speaking at Plans Board, as set out in Annexes A & B of Appendix F, subject to the amendments and clarification requested by the Council Constitution Committee.
Change of Executive Arrangements
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:
(a) the position regarding the proposed changes to the Council’s decision-making structures be noted;
(b) that the proposed timetable, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report, be approved;
(c) that delegated authority be granted to the Council Constitution Committee to agree the consultation documents, as outlined in the report.
Review of Scrutiny Arrangements
RESOLVED – to RECOMMEND to Council that:
(a) the model for Scrutiny arrangements be that outlined within paragraph 4.5 (2) in Professor Steve Leach’s ‘Review of Scrutiny Arrangements at Telford & Wrekin’ (Appendix 1), i.e. Option 2 (Priority-based sub-groups);
(b) that the processes set out within section 7, paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3, of the report of the Scrutiny Manager to agree any consequent changes to the Constitution be approved;
(c) that the interim Scrutiny Committee set up under (b) be politically balanced and comprise of 7 Conservative. 4 Labour, 2 Liberal Democrat/Independent and 1 TAWPA members with effect from the 2010/11 municipal year;
(d) that the existing Scrutiny Leadership Board be dissolved by Full Council with effect from the end of the 2009/10 municipal year and the Constitution be amended as required.
Appendices D, E, F, G & H
Constitution Revision -General.docx
Microsoft Word - Constitution Revision -General.pdf
AppendixA final.doc
Microsoft Word - AppendixA final.pdf
Part 4Section6AppendixB.docx
Microsoft Word - Part 4Section6AppendixB.pdf
Appendix C2Part 7.docx
Microsoft Word - Appendix C2Part 7.pdf
Microsoft Word - ConstitutionReviewPetitions.pdf
Final Petitions Procedure Flow Chart v 2.pdf
Microsoft Word - Scheme for dealing with petitions.pdf
Microsoft Word - ConstitutionReviewPetitions.pdf
Microsoft Word - Scheme for dealing with petitions.pdf
ConstitutionReview PublicSpeakingatPlansBoard.docx
Microsoft Word - ConstitutionReview PublicSpeakingatPlansBoard.pdf
Public Speaking Leaflet final 2.doc
Microsoft Word - final scheme for public speaking at plans board260310_2_.pdf
final scheme for public speaking at plans board260310(2).docm
Report on Scrutiny Arrangements final01 04 10 (2).doc
Microsoft Word - Report on Scrutiny Arrangements final01 04 10 _2_.pdf
ProfessorLeachReportAppendix 1 (3).docx
Microsoft Word - ProfessorLeachReportAppendix 1 _3_.pdf
Microsoft Word - ReviewScrutinyArrangementsApp2SLB250310FinalMinutes.pdf
ReviewofScrutinyArrangementsAppendix 3.docx
Microsoft Word - ReviewofScrutinyArrangementsAppendix 3.pdf
ChangetoExecutiveArrangementsJE010410 .docx
Microsoft Word - ChangetoExecutiveArrangementsJE010410 .pdf
9.0 | Members' Allowances |
To consider the report of the Chief Executive
Appendix I
10.0 | To note the following resolved minutes: |
Plans Board 17 February and 10 & 31 March 2010
Audit Committee 2 & 10 February 2010
Licensing Committee 24 February & 5 March 2010
Scrutiny Leadership Board 25 March 2010
Appendices J1,2&3, K1&2,L1&2 and M
Microsoft Word - 170210FinalMinutes.pdf
Microsoft Word - FinalMinutes1030310.pdf
Microsoft Word - Finalminutes310310.pdf
Audit cttee min 020210.doc
Microsoft Word - Audit cttee min 020210.pdf
Audit cttee age 100210.doc
Microsoft Word - Audit cttee min 100210.pdf
Licsmin 240210.doc
11.0 | Questions |
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10
12.0 | Notices of Motion |
None received