Councillors and Decision Making


Full Council

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Date: Thursday 04 March 2010

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Coach Central, Telford, TF3 4HD  

1.0 Welcome to New Councillors
2.0 Prayers
3.0 Minutes of the Council
To confirm the minutes of the Borough Council held on 28th January, 2010
4.0 Apologies for Absence
5.0 Declarations of Interest
6.0 Announcements
To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the Council meeting held on 28th January, 2010
7.0 Report of Leader
The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough or comment upon the Cabinet decisions.
8.0 Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council
To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council on 28th January, 2010. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only. Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.
9.0 Recommendations from Cabinet - 23 February 2010
(i) Central Telford Area Action Plan - proposed amendments for public examination Resolved That Council is recommended to approve the proposed amendments to the Central Telford Area Action Plan, attached in Appendix 1 to the report, in order that the amendments and supporting sustainability appraisal at Appendix 2 can be published, subject to consultation and, along with representations received, submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in public. (ii) 2009/10 Financial Monitoring Recommended That Council approve the new capital allocations, slippage and virements detailed at paragraph 5.1 of the report.
10.0 Political Balance
To consider the report of the Head of Governance
11.0 Service & Financial Planning 2010/11-2012/13
To consider the reports listed below (i) Overview and Revenue Budget (ii) Capital Programme (iii) Treasury Management Strategy & Update (iv) Prudential Indicators (v) Council Tax - Formal Resolution for 2010/11
Appendix G1
 Overview and Revenue report 2010 11 to 2012 13(final.doc   Microsoft Word - Overview and Revenue report 2010 11 to 2012 13_final.pdf   Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 1 - Base Budget.xls   Overview&RevenueReportAppendix 2 - Base Budget Movements.xls   Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 3a - Investment Package.xls   Overview & RevenuereportAppendix 3b - BTI Investment Proforma.xls   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 3c - BTISLC (BSF) investment proforma.xls   Appendix 3d - BTI SLC proposal map.JPG   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 3e - CFams Investment.doc   Microsoft Word - Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 3e_2_ - Placements.pdf   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 3f - Adult Social Services investment.doc   Microsoft Word - Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 3f - Adult Social Services investment.pdf   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 4 - Savings Package.xls   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 5 - Reservesbals.xls   Overview&RevenuerreportAppendix 5c - robustness.doc   Microsoft Word - Overview&RevenuerreportAppendix 5c - robustness.pdf   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 6a - Consultation.docx   Microsoft Word - Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 6a - Consultation.pdf   Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 6b - VFMSG response (2).doc   Microsoft Word - Overview&RevenueReportAppendix 6b - VFMSG response.pdf   Overview& RevenuereportAppendix 7 - Council Tax Increases National.xls   Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 8 - Equality Impact Assessment.docx   Microsoft Word - Overview&RevenuereportAppendix 8 - Equality Impact Assessment.pdf 
12.0 Minutes of Boards and Committees
To note the following resolved minutes: Plans Board 6th & 27th January, 2010
13.0 Questions
To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 10.
14.0 Notice of Motion
Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin Councillor J.M. Seymour will move, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion: ‘This Council notes the Government’s proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the government has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concerns about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister. The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R.G. Chaplin 'This Council notesthe Govenment's proposals in the Personal Care at Home Bill to offer free care at home to people with the highest needs. While this Council welcomes the general principle of enabling people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, this Council is appalled that the Government is proposing to fund only a limited part of the costs and leave the rest to local authorities. For all local councils in England, including Telford & Wrekin, assuming the governmetn has got its sums right, this is an unfunded commitment of at least £250 million a year. For Telford & Wrekin initial modelling suggests that the costs for the 6 months from 1 October alone will be at least £900k of which at least a third will be unfunded. If the Scottish experience is repeated, the actual costs will be far higher and are likely to lead to cuts in front line services to others that are also in need. This Council asks that its very grave concents about having yet another unfunded mandate imposed upon it be communicated by the Leader of the Council to the relevant Minister.' The Motion will be seconded by Concillor R.G.Chaplin