Councillors and Decision Making


Planning Committee

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Date: Wednesday 02 November 2016

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: The Telford Suite, The Telford Whitehouse Hotel, Watling Street, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2NJ   View Map

Democratic Services:
Jayne Clarke (83205)  

Lead Officer:
Katherine Kynaston (84591)  

Lead Officer:
Valerie Hulme (84130)  

 Agenda    Agenda 021116.pdf   Public Information Sheet.pdf 
1.0 Apologies for Absence
2.0 Declarations of Interest
3.0 Minutes
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 12th October 2016 and to confirm minute number PC-030(c) of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 21st September 2016.
4.0 Deferred/Withdrawn Applications
5.0 Site Visits
6.0 Planning Applications for Determination
TWC/2016/0260 Land adjacent The Knoll, Church Aston, Newport
 Committee Report - TWC 2016 0260.pdf   1 - Location Plan and Topographical Plan.pdf   2 - Proposed Block Plan.pdf   3 - Housetype Appleton - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   4 - Housetype Ashford - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   5 - Housetype Avondale - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   6 - Housetype Claverton Brampton-Semi - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   7 - Housetype Claverton Brampton-Terrace - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   8 - Housetype Dendale Plot 9 - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   9 - Housetype Exeter - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   10 - Housetype Exeter Detached Garage Plot 17 - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   11 - Housetype Lauderdale - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   12 - Garages - Proposed elevations and floor plans.pdf   13 - Landscaping Plan showing Boundary Treatments.pdf   14 - Detailed Landscape Proposals.pdf   15 - Tree Protection Plan.pdf   16 - Engineering layout plan.pdf